A generation before Star Wars: A New Hope...
In a galaxy far, far away an evil force is gaining strength and threatens an entire civilization. Two courageous Jedi, a young queen, a Gungan outcast, and a slave boy named Anakin band together to save a planet under attack as the fate of the galaxy hangs in the balance.
The evil Sith Lord Darth Maul is a formidable warrior and scheming mastermind who learns the power of the dark side from his master, Darth Sidious. The red-skinned Dathomirian Zabrak is known for his menacing ferocity in battle and his fiery, double-bladed lightsaber. Trained in the Force and guided by the dark side, Maul and Sidious plot to destroy the Jedi and enslave the peaceful planet of Naboo. However, when Darth Maul arrives on the planet to execute the invasion, he is met by Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and Jedi apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi. The duel ensues and the outcome could have devastating impacts for all involved.
The Black Series Darth Maul (Jedi Duel) is a reissue of 2013's #02 Darth Maul figure, this time with photo real face deco on both heads. Maul was officially revealed at 2019 New York Toy Fair during Hasbro's Entertainment Brand Preview Event. The figure features retro-styled packaging in a tribute to Hasbro's 1999 Episode One assortment. Each of the original accessories has been retained for this release. Darth Maul and his Duel Of The Fates counterpart, Obi-Wan were available as Star Wars Celebration Chicago 2019 exclusives. Additionally, both figures were available for an extremely brief period of time on HasbroPulse.com on May the 4th, 2019. This redecoed version of Darth Maul was available for mass market in the second assortment of The Black Series Archive collection shortly after.

Source: The Phantom Menace
Year: 2019
Original Retail: $29.99
Assortment Number: E5319
UPC Number: 6 30509 79612 0
- Darth Maul Action Figure
- Removable head and robe
- Removable head
- Double-bladed lightsaber (4 pieces)
- Macrobinoculars
Photography by D. Martin Myatt
Text by B. Acree
Page Built by Adam Lamping