Known as Darth Plagueis the Wise, this Sith lord experiments with ways to cheat death using Midi-chlorians, until he is killed by his own apprentice - Darth Sidious.
The third wave of figures in Hasbro's Black Series 3 3/4-inch action figure collection included the debut Revenge Of The Sith #15 Merumeru, the 2011 buck updated Revenge Of The Sith #16 Clone Commander Neyo, the much-needed update #17 Vizam, the Sith Lord #18 Darth Plagueis as he is described in the Expanded Universe, and #19 Mace Windu as he appeared in The Clone Wars.
This wave was first revealed to the public in July 2013 as part of the display in Hasbro's booth at Celebration Europe II and began reaching eager collectors the following October.

Year: 2013
Original Retail: $9.99
Assortment Number: A5087/A5077
UPC Number: 6 53569 88641 9
- Darth Plagueis Figure
- Robe
- Mask
- Lightsaber
- Staff
- Vest
Text & Photography by D. Martin Myatt
Page built by Adam Lamping