in Endor Gear

Source: (Return of the Jedi)

Year: 1998
Toys R Us Exclusive

Retail: $9.99

Assortment: Millennium Minted Coins

Assortment Number: 69675

UPC Number: 7628184027

Packaging Variations:

  • .00
  • .01

  • Weapons and Accessories:
  • Coin
  • Coin Holder
  • Base
  • Combat Poncho
  • Blaster
  • Comments: The Star Wars Mint is officially re-instituted with this limited edition series! New gold-colored coins feature character images from the classic silver-colored coin release-all with brand new reverse-side stampings specially designed for this exclusive commemorative offering.

    Point of Interest: Another version of Princess Leia in Endor Gear was made with the Speeder Bike assortment.

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