(Royal Naboo Army)

The Phantom Menace

Collection: 7.5

Year: 2007

Number: 30-52

Assortment: Basic Figures

Retail: $6.99

Assortment Number: 87649/87500

UPC Number: 6 53569 28713 1

Weapons and Accessories:

  • Heavy Blaster Pistol
  • Removable Helmet
  • Collector Coin
  • Species: Human
    Status: Theed Royal Palace Guard
    Weapons of Choice: Heavy Blaster Pistols
    Characteristic: Elite Bodyguard
    Comments: These highly trained bodyguards are assigned to the Royal Palace, where they guard the Queen, the Advisory Council, and other members of the court. Their exceptional combat skills are acquired on direct battle experience on other worlds.

    Points of Interest:
  • This Naboo Soldier (really an engineer) is a repaint of 2006's TSC Naboo Soldier.
  • The text on the helmet seems to translate in English & Aurebesh as "No Dork".
  • This figure was chosen for this wave by fan request. Ever since the original Naboo Soldier figure came out, fans noticed right away that there were several soldiers in red jumpsuits shown on the cardback, and wondered if there would be a running change for these troops. There were no plans at that time, but now you can complete your army from Naboo.
  • Photography by Dan Curto
  • Also included with this figure is a folding pamphlet that shows other toys in The 30th Anniversary Collection.

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