In 1999, Dark Horse released a series of specials that featured The Bounty Hunters, a series of one-shots that takes a look at the men and women (and droids) from across the timeline.
The first issue focuses on Aurra Sing, that femme fatale who, while only having a few seconds of screen time in The Phantom Menace, became a prominent character in the comic books, especially the Star Wars title. This issue by Tim Truman shows her in action on four familiar planets, when she is hired to take down a renegade Jedi and his imposters. Featuring the surly bartender Wuher as a child!
The second issue titled Scoundrel's Wages by Mark Schultz, Mel Rubi, and Andrew Pepoy features Dengar, Bossk and 4-LOM as they compete to capture the same prize: the captain of the Millennium Falcon! This story is set during the timeframe of the Shadows of the Empire multimedia adventure.
The last issue focuses on Kenix Kil, the alter-ego of Kir Kanos from the Crimson Empire series. Since Kanos is wanted throughout the galaxy, he must go undercover just to survive!
Finally, when the series was collected, Dave Dorman provided the painted cover. And since no book about bounty hunters would be complete without Boba Fett, the hard-to-find Twin Engines of Destruction comic was included as well.
Special & Collected Editions |