Congratulations to our contest winners!
Grand Prize - Jad Bean
Custom Gentle Giant head scanning and 12" rendition of his head on a 12" Hasbro body courtesy of Gentle Giant.
Trip to Los Angeles to visit Gentle Giant for the scan.
Telephone call and autograph package from Barrie Holland, Lt. Renz in Return of the Jedi.
10 Second Prizes - Autographed Lt. Renz photos.
Lyndon Vasquez
Alex Wahba
Jad Bean
Wade King
Michael Cooper
Lynn Ogilvie
Skye Paine
Chris Flacksenburg
Nathan Wiltse
Brian Crow
Sebastiano Gabriele Runci
November 20th 2006 marks an amazing ten years of bringing Star Wars collecting news to the Internet! We've come quite a ways since the days of the first version of the site called: "Philip's Star Wars Pictures, Toys, and Thoughts". I'd like to take a second to recognize the talented staff that is largely responsible for the site. These are the folks who lend no small amount of time and talent to this website:
Chris Holoka | Mark Hurray | Dustin Roberts |
Dave Myatt | Jeremy Beckett | Shane Turgeon |
Maureen Kuppe | Dan Curto | Stéphane Houvion |
Anne Neumann | Jay Shepard | Peter Schuster |
José Fiúza | Grahame Wright |
We'd also be remiss if we didn't show gratitude towards the ever-vigilant Rebelscum forum moderators:
Amir | Darth_Bryan | GNT |
JamesF | James_Gallo | LuisG |
Mauricio | michael_mensinger | Mr_Stimp |
threedarths | Tommy_Garvey | Tommy_T |
How about some anniversary presents!
Some of you may remember our massive Five Year Anniversary Blowout, where we gaveaway over 100 anniversary "presents" to just as many lucky readers (one of whom later went on to become a jovial member of our news staff).
This year rather than quantity, we're celebrating with some gifts you won't be able to buy in any store - and one grand prize winner is going to walk away with unique one-of-a-kind collectible!
Since it's a big milestone for us, so we wanted to make the prize package we'd give away to the winner big as well.
First we enlisted Barrie Holland, who played Lt. Renz in Jedi and uttered the words that became the inspiration for the site name: "You Rebel Scum!". The winner will receive a package of photos from him of that famous scene AND the winner will also receive a personal telephone call from Barrie during which he can answer any questions the winner may have about it.
We didn't stop there though. How about a custom 12" figure, complete with a Gentle Giant scan of the winner's head rendered in 12" scale and put on a 12" Hasbro figure of the winner's choice? That's right, your head, scanned by Gentle Giant, and put on a 12" figure!!
While open to all countries, this prize package will include domestic air and hotel to California from a domestic city or gateway city only. The winner will have a visit to the Gentle Giant headquarters, and of course the scanning.
We will also award 10 additional prizes, which will be photos of the famous scene, autographed by Barrie Holland.
Winner of the scanning must be 18 years of age or older. Be sure and read the rules. Remember you can enter once per day during the contest period. Winners will be selected Wednesday, December 20 at 10:00 PM CST.
Ready to enter? Head over to the giveaway page and check it out! It's that button over there on the right side that says "Win Free Stuff!".