ADMIRAL ACKBAR: Ackbar became a Grand Admiral in the New Republic, winning many victories, including the pivotal Battle of Jakku. He ritired to Mon Cala, but was coaxed back into service with the Resistance by Leia Organa.
FIRST ORDER OFFICER: The offices of the First Order military forces show unwavering allegiance to Supreme Leader Snoke, leading his massive armies and fleet in a relentless drive to dominate the galaxy.
This Toys "R" Us exclusive set, which features the debut sculpt of Admiral Ackbar in this scale and a character debut that shares all but the head sculpt used for the 51 Finn (First Order Disguise) single boxed action figure, began hitting shelves in September, 2017.

Year: 2017
Original Retail: $39.99
Assortment Number: C3225
UPC Number: 6 30509 60219 3
- Admiral Ackbar Action Figure
- BlasTech DH-17 Blaster
- First Order Officer Action Figure
- Blaster Pistol
Text & Photography by D. Martin Myatt
Page Built by Adam Lamping