Basic Figures
OTC-01 __ Luke Skywalker (Dagobah Training) *New*
OTC-02 __ Yoda (Dagobah Training) *New*
OTC-03 __ Spirit Obi-Wan (Dagobah Training) *New*
OTC-04 __ R2-D2 (Dagobah Training) *New*
OTC-05 __ Luke Skywalker (X-Wing Pilot) *Repaint*
OTC-06 __ Luke Skywalker (Jedi Knight) *Repack*
OTC-07 __ Han Solo *Repack*
OTC-08 __ Chewbacca *Repack*
OTC-09 __ Princess Leia *Repack*
OTC-10 __ Darth Vader (Throne Room) *Repack*
OTC-11 __ Scout Trooper *Repack*
OTC-12 __ R2-D2 *Repack*
OTC-13 __ C-3PO *Repack*
OTC-14 __ Boba Fett *Repaint*
OTC-15 __ Obi-Wan Kenobi *Repack*
OTC-16 __ Stormtrooper *Repack*
OTC-17 __ Wicket *Repaint*
OTC-18 __ Princess Leia (Cloud City) *New*
OTC-19 __ Cloud Car Pilot *New*
OTC-20 __ Lobot (Cloud City) *New*
OTC-21 __ TIE Fighter Pilot *Repack*
OTC-22 __ Greedo *Repaint*
OTC-23 __ Tusken Raider *Repaint*
OTC-24 __ Jawas *Repaint*
OTC-25 __ Snowtrooper *Repaint*
OTC-26 __ Luke Skywalker (Bespin Gear) *Repaint*
OTC-27 __ IG-88 *Repack*
OTC-28 __ Bossk *Repack*
OTC-29 __ Darth Vader (Hoth) *Repaint*
OTC-30 __ Gamorrean Guard *Repaint*
OTC-31 __ Bib Fortuna *Repaint*
OTC-32 __ Lando Calrissian (Skiff Guard) *Repack*
OTC-33 __ Princess Leia (Sail Barge) *Repack*
OTC-34 __ Darth Vader (Death Star) *Repack*
OTC-35 __ Han Solo (AT-ST Driver) *Repack*
OTC-36 __ General Madine *Repack*
OTC-37 __ Lando Calrissian (General) *Repack*
OTC-38 __ Imperial Trooper *Repaint*
2005 Transitional Figures
Wave 1 - Coruscant
05-01 __ Pablo-Jill (Geonosis Arena)
05-02 __ Yarua (Wookiee Senator)
05-03 __ Sly Moore
Wave 2 - Naboo
05-04 __ Queen Amidala (Naboo Celebration)
05-05 __ Rabé (Royal Handmaiden)
Wave 3 - Cantina
05-06 __ Feltipern Trevagg (Cantina)
05-07 __ Myo (Cantina)
05-08 __ Dannik Jerriko (Cantina Encounter)
Wave ? - Repacks
05-09 __ Luke Skywalker (Dagobah Training)
05-10 __ Darth Vader (Death Star Hangar)
05-11 __ Stormtrooper (Death Star Attack)
05-12 __ Sandtrooper (Tatooine Search)
05-13 __ Scout Trooper (Endor Raid)
05-14 __ Han Solo (Mos Eisley Escape)
05-15 __ Chewbacca (Hoth Escape)
05-16 __ Yoda (Dagobah Training)
Vintage-style Figures
__ Boba Fett
__ C-3PO
__ Chewbacca
__ Darth Vader
__ Han Solo
__ Lando Calrissian
__ Luke Skywalker
__ Obi-Wan Kenobi
__ Princess Leia
__ R2-D2
__ Stormtrooper
__ Yoda
Exclusive Figures
__ Darth Vader (2004 Toys "R" Us Exclusive)
__ Emperor Palpatine (Executor Transmission) (
__ Holiday Darth Vader ( Exclusive)
__ Holographic Princess Leia (San Diego Comic-Con Exclusive)
__ Jawas (2004 Holiday Edition)
__ Luke Skywalker's Encounter With Yoda (Encuentros Mexico 2004)
__ Scout Trooper (Star Wars: Battlefront)
__ Wedge Antilles (Internet Exclusive)
Special Edition Figures
__ Darth Vader (Special Edition 500th Figure)
__ 3T-RNE
__ G3-5LE
__ MSE-1T
__ Clone Trooper Troop Builder 4-Pack
__ Commemorative Trilogy DVD Collection: A New Hope
__ Commemorative Trilogy DVD Collection: The Empire Strikes Back
__ Commemorative Trilogy DVD Collection: Return of the Jedi
__ Endor Ambush
__ Naboo Final Combat
Screen Scenes
__ Mos Eisley Cantina I (Dr. Evazan, Wuher, Kitik Keed'kak)
__ Mos Eisley Cantina I (Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ponda Baba, Zutton)
__ Jedi Council I (Yoda, Qui-Gon Jinn, Ki-Adi-Mundi)
__ Jedi Council II (Obi-Wan, Plo Koon, Eeth Koth)
__ Jedi Council III (Anakin Skywalker, Saesee Tiin, Adi Gallia)
__ Jedi Council IV (Shaak Ti, Agen Kolar, Stass Allie)
Collectible Figures and Cups (Cancelled)
__ Boba Fett
__ Han Solo
__ Yoda
__ Darth Vader's TIE Fighter
__ Millennium Falcon
__ Millennium Falcon Crew
__ Sandcrawler
__ Slave I
__ TIE Fighter
__ TIE Fighter & X-Wing Fighter
__ X-Wing Fighter
__ Y-Wing Fighter
12" Figures
__ Boba Fett
__ Chewbacca
__ Luke Skywalker
__ Stormtrooper
Role Play
__ Anakin Skywalker's Lightsaber
__ Darth Vader's Lightsaber
__ Luke Skywalker's Lightsaber
__ Obi-Wan Kenobi's Lightsaber
__ Yoda's Lightsaber
Star Wars Buddies
__ Chewbacca
__ C-3PO
__ R2-D2
__ Wicket
__ Yoda
Wrestling Buddy
__ Darth Vader
__ R2-D2
Jedi Force
__ C-3PO & R2-D2
__ Chewbacca with Wookiee Action Tool
__ Darth Vader and Imperial Claw Droid
__ Luke Skywalker with Jedi Jet Pack
__ Luke Skywalker and Speeder Bike
__ Luke's X-Wing
__ Ask Yoda
__ C-3PO Carry Case
__ Darth Vader Carry Case
__ Darth Vader Voice Changer
__ DVD Release Invitation Figures
__ OTC Guidebook
__ OTC Pamphlet
__ OTC Poster (San Diego Comic Con)
__ OTC Shelf Dangler (Retail Display)
__ Star Wars Buddies
__ Star Wars Monopoly

Last updated 1/18/07. List maintained by Adam Lamping.