Basic Figures
2-1B Medical Droid
Admiral Ackbar
Admiral Motti
ASP-7 Droid
AT-AT Driver
AT-ST Driver
Anakin Skywalker
Aunt Beru
Biggs Darklighter
Bib Fortuna
Boba Fett
Captain Piett
C-3PO with removable limbs
C-3PO with desert worn deco
Chewbacca (Boushh's Bounty)
Chewbacca (Hoth Deco)
Darth Vader
Darth Vader (double cape)
Darth Vader (Interrogation Droid)
Darth Vader (removable helmet)
Death Star Droid
Death Star Gunner
Death Star Trooper
Emperor Palpatine
Emperor Palpatine (lightning bolts & legs)
Emperor Palpatine (Clone)
Endor Rebel Commando
EV-9D9 Droid
Ewoks (Wicket & Logray)
Gamorrean Guard
Grand Admiral Thrawn
Grand Moff Tarkin
Greedo (Cantina)
Han Solo
Han Solo (Bespin Outfit)
Han Solo (Cantina)
Han Solo (Carbonite Chamber)
Han Solo (Endor Gear)
Han Solo (Hoth Gear)
Hoth Rebel Soldier
Imperial Sentinel
Ishi Tib
Jawa with GONK Droid
Kyle Katarn
Lak Sivrak
Lando Calrissian
Lando Calrissian (General/pilot)
Lando Calrissian (Skiff Guard)
Luke Skywalker
Luke Skywalker (Bespin Outfit)
Luke Skywalker (Blast Shield Helmet)
Luke Skywalker (Ceremonial Outfit)
Luke Skywalker (Dagobah Fatigues)
Luke Skywalker (Dark Empire Comics)
Luke Skywalker (Floppy hat)
Luke Skywalker (Hoth Gear)
Luke Skywalker (Imperial Stormtrooper)
Luke Skywalker (Jedi Knight)
Luke Skywalker (Tatooine, with T-16 Skyhopper accessory)
Luke Skywalker (X-Wing Pilot)
Malakili (Rancor Keeper)
Mara Jade
Mon Mothma
Nien Nunb
Momaw Nadon "Hammerhead"
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Obi-Wan Kenobi (hood up, dueling pose)
Orrimaarko (Prune Face)
Ponda Baba
Pote Snitkin
Princess Leia Organa
Princess Leia Organa (new likeness, new pose)
Princess Leia Organa (Sporting Blaster, new sculpt)
Princess Leia Organa (Ceremonial Dress)
Princess Leia Organa (Dark Empire Comics)
Princess Leia Organa (Endor Celebration Dress)
Princess Leia Organa (Hoth Outfit)
Princess Leia Organa (Jabba's Prisoner)
R2-D2 with datalink accessories
R2-D2 with launching lightsaber
R2-D2 with Princess Leia Hologram
Rebel Fleet Trooper
Royal Guard
Saelt-Marae (Yak Face)
Sandtrooper (aka Tatooine Stormtrooper)
Stormtrooper (Blaster damage and added articulation)
TIE Fighter Pilot
Tusken Raider
Yoda (hair, cane, boiling pot)
Deluxe Figures
Boba Fett with Missile Firing Backpack
Crowd Control Stormtrooper
Han Solo with Smuggler's Flight Pack
Hoth Rebel Soldier with Anti-Vehicle Laser Cannon
Imperial Snowtrooper with E-Web Heavy Repeating Cannon
Luke Skywalker with Desert Sport Skiff
Cinema Scenes
Cantina Aliens [Takeel, Nabrun Leids, Labria]
Cantina Showdown [Dr. Evazan, Ponda Baba, Obi-Wan Kenobi]
Death Star Escape [Chewbacca, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo]
Final Jedi Duel [Luke Skywalker, Emperor Palpatine, Darth Vader]
Jabba's Dancers [Greeata, Lyn-Me, Rystall]
Jabba's Guards [Klaatu, Barada, Nikto]
Jedi Spirits [Anakin Skywalker, Ben Kenobi, Yoda]
Mynock Hunt [Han Solo, Princess Leia, Chewbacca, Mynock]
Purchase of the Droids [Luke Skywalker, C-3PO, Uncle Owen]
Rebel Pilots [Wedge Antilles, Ten Nunb, Arvel Crynyd]
Creature Sets
Bantha (with Tusken Raider)
Dewback (with Sandtrooper)
Jabba the Hutt (with Han Solo)
Rancor (with Jedi Luke)
Ronto (with Jawa)
Tauntaun (with Han Hoth)
Tauntaun (with Luke Hoth)
Wampa (with Luke Hoth)
Electronic Power F/X
Darth Vader
Emperor Palpatine
Luke Skywalker (Jedi Knight)
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Complete Galaxy
Dagobah with Yoda
Death Star with Darth Vader
Endor with Ewok on Glider
Tatooine with Luke Skywalker
Gunner Stations
Darth's TIE Fighter with Darth Vader
Millennium Falcon with Han Solo
Millennium Falcon with Luke Skywalker
Princess Leia Collection
Leia Organa & R2-D2
Leia Organa Ceremonial Dress & Ceremonial Luke Skywalker
Leia Organa Bespin Gown & Bespin Han Solo
Leia Organa Endor Dress & Ewok
Millennium Minted Coins
Emperor Palpatine
Han Solo (Bespin Outfit)
Luke Skywalker (Endor Poncho)
Princess Leia Organa (Endor Poncho)
Max Rebo Band Pairs
Barquin D'an & Droopy McCool
Joh Yowza & Sy Snootles
Max Rebo & Doda Bodonawieedo
Cantina Pop-Up Diorama (mail-away)
Cantina Pop-Up Diorama (with Sandtrooper, store version)
Death Star Escape
Detention Block Rescue
Endor Attack
Hoth Battle
Jabba's Palace (with Han Solo)
Millennium Falcon Cockpit (from PC Explorer Game)
A-Wing Fighter (with A-Wing Fighter Pilot)
AT-AT (with Commander and Driver figures)
Cruisemissile Trooper
Darth Vader's TIE Fighter
Expanded Universe Airspeeder (with exclusive pilot)
Expanded Universe Cloud Car (with exclusive pilot)
Expanded Universe Speederbike (with exclusive pilot)
Imperial Speederbike (with Leia Endor)
Imperial Speederbike (with Luke Endor)
Imperial Speederbike (with Scout Trooper)
Imperial TIE Fighter
Millennium Falcon
Power Racing Speederbike
STAP and Battle Droid Sneak Preview
T-16 Skyhopper
Tatooine Skiff
X-Wing Fighter
X-Wing Fighter (Power FX)
Y-Wing Fighter
12" Figures
Admiral Ackbar
Anakin Skywalker (Masterpiece Edition)
AT-AT Driver
AT-AT Driver (Service Merchandise)
Barquin D'an
Boba Fett
Boba Fett (Electronic)
C-3PO and R2-D2 (Electronic)
Cantina Band Members
Chewbacca in Chains
Darth Vader
Darth Vader with Removable Helmet (Electronic)
Dewback with Sandtrooper
Emperor Palpatine
Emperor Palpatine and Royal Guard
Grand Moff Tarkin
Grand Moff Tarkin and Death Star Gunner
Greedo (JC Penney Exclusive)
Han Solo
Han Solo and Luke Skywalker in Stormtrooper Disguise
Han Solo and Tauntaun
Han Solo Endor
Han Solo in Carbonite Block
Han Solo in Hoth Gear
Han Solo with Swinging Arm Action (UK Exclusive)
H.K. Commemorative Limited Edition 3 pack
Hoth 4-Pack
Lando Calrissian
Luke Skywalker
Luke Skywalker Hoth vs. Wampa
Luke Skywalker in Bespin fatigues
Luke Skywalker in Ceremonial Gear
Luke Skywalker in Hoth Gear
Luke Skywalker in Jedi Gear
Luke Skywalker in Jedi Gear and Bib Fortuna
Luke Skywalker in Stormtrooper Disguise
Luke Skywalker in X-Wing Pilot Gear
Luke Skywalker Tatooine-Princess Leia Boushh- Han Solo Bespin
Luke Skywalker with swinging action (UK Exclusive)
Obi-Wan (Ben) Kenobi
Obi-Wan Kenobi vs. Darth Vader (Electronic)
Obi-Wan Kenobi with Blastshield Helmet
Ponda Baba
Princess Leia (Slave)
Princess Leia Organa
Princess Leia Organa and R2-D2 as Jabba's Prisoners
Princess Leia Organa in Hoth Gear
R2-D2 w/ Detachable Utility Arms
Sandtrooper (Orange) (Diamond Exclusive)
Speeder Bike with Scout Trooper
TIE Fighter Pilot
Tusken Raider w/ Blaster
Tusken Raider w/ Gaffi Stick
Wedge Antilles and Biggs Darklighter
Wicket the Ewok
Epic Force
Boba Fett
Darth Vader
Han Solo
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Luke Skywalker in Bespin Gear
Princess Leia Organa (in Bespin Gear)
Han Solo as Stormtrooper (Kellogg's Mail Away)
Spirit of Obi-Wan (Frito-Lay Mail Away)
Cantina Band Member (Fan Club Exclusive 1997)
B'omarr Monk (Internet Exclusive 1997)
Luke Skywalker Jedi Knight (Theater Edition)
Oola and Salacious Crumb (Fan Club Exclusive 1998)
Kabe and Muftak (Internet Exclusive 1998)
Mace Windu Sneak Preview (Hasbro Mail Away Exclusive 1998)
Wuher (Fan Club Exclusive 2000)
Accessories and Carrying Cases
Escape The Death Star Action Figure Game
Millennium Falcon Carry Case with Wedge Antilles
Millennium Falcon Carry Case with Imperial Scanning Crew Trooper
Power Of The Force Carry Case
Talking C-3P0 Carry Case
Last updated 1/20/06.
List maintained by Adam Lamping.