Released in 1979 along with the Millennium Falcon Spaceship, the Land Of The Jawas playset, the Darth Vader TIE Fighter Vehicle, the Creature Cantina playset, the Droid Factory playset, the Patrol Dewback, and the Imperial Troop Transporter, Kenner痴 Remote Controlled Jawa Sandcrawler is still one of the most sought after pieces in the vintage collection.
This vehicle was released in the U.S. in only packaging sporting the Star Wars logo and a printed Rebate Offer starburst. The Kenner Canada version, however, featured The Empire Strikes Back logo on the packaging, as well as TESB logoed stickers that went over the Star Wars logoed stickers on the remote control itself. As is event in the photographs below, the original U.S. Star Wars logo stickers were affixed on the Canadian version of the toy. The toy photographed in the images below was the Kenner Canada version, but TESB stickers were removed before the toy became available to us to photograph.

Year: 1979
Original Retail: $29.99
Assortment #:39270
Required Batteries: 2x D cells & 2x 9 volt
What痴 In The Box?
Sticker Sheet
Star Wars Toys Booklet
Photography & Text by D. Martin Myatt
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