(Shaak Ti | Agen Kolar | Stass Allie)

(Attack of the Clones)

Year: 2004

Assortment: Screen Scenes

Retail: $19.99

Assortment Number: 32163

UPC Number: 5356900348

Weapons and Accessories:

  • Interlocking Base
    (3 of 6)
  • Floor Piece (3 of 4)
  • 2 Jedi Council Chairs
  • Lightsaber Handle

Comments: The Jedi High Council is the main interface between the Jedi and the government of the Republic. The twelve High Council members are chosen from the ranks of the Jedi Masters and represent a gathering of great minds who have proven themselves and their abilities in the service of peace and justice.

Check out the completed Jedi High Council screen scene here.

Points of Interest:
  • The Shaak Ti figure is based on the Saga figure, except this time she has articulated legs and a cloth skirt.
  • The Agen Kolar figure is the same as the POTJ Eeth Koth figure, without his lightsaber.
  • The Stass Allie figure is based on the Episode I Adi Gallia figure, except this time she has articulated legs and a cloth skirt and is basically a repaint of the figure from Scene 3.
  • This set also includes a interlocking base and floorpiece to complete the scene.
  • While labelled "Scene 4", this is actually the sixth set in the series. The first two were released in the Saga line as Jedi High Council (1 of 2) and Jedi High Council (2 of 2), and the next three were released as Jedi High Council Scene 1, Jedi High Council Scene 2, and Jedi High Council Scene 3.

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