(The Empire Strikes Back)

Year: 1998
(Fan Club Exclusive)

Collection: 3

Retail: $9.99

Assortment: Freeze Frame Figures

Assortment Number: 69705/69864

UPC Number: 69705/69864

Packaging Variations:

  • None

  • Weapons and Accessories:
  • Imperial Issue Blaster
  • Freeze Frame
  • Comments: Drivers of the dreaded AT-AT walkers, specially trained "ground pilots", played a vital role during the Empire's assault on Hoth.

    AT-AT walkers begin a high powered assault on Hoth's Rebel base.

    Points of Interest:
  • Another At-AT Driver figure was included with the AT-AT vehicle, sculpted in a different pose.
  • This figure was released through the Fan Club as part of the "Fan Club Four" exclusive figures.

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