(Return of the Jedi)

Year: 1997

Collection: 2

Retail: $4.99

Assortment: Basic Figures

Assortment Number: 69605/69687

UPC Number: 7628169687

Packaging Variations:

  • .00 Green Collection 2 (photo)
  • .00 Green Collection 2 (holo)

  • Weapons and Accessories:
  • Blaster Rifle
  • Blaster Pistol
  • Height: 1.8 meters
    Status: 1.8 meters
    Classification: Human
    Affiliation: Human
    Weapon of Choice: Blaster Rifle

    Points of Interest:
  • As evidenced by his lack of a backpack, this figure of Dengar is actually based on his brief appearance in Return of the Jedi, rather than The Empire Strikes Back, despite the images on the card.
  • Dengar is a Corellian who has a long grudge against Han Solo, due to losing a swoop race when the two were much younger.
  • A former Imperial agent known as "Payback," Dengar's ship is named Punishing One.
  • After Boba Fett was regurgitated from the Sarlacc, Dengar found him and nursed him back to health, forming a long-standing partnership.

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