![]() 1 I'm a big fan of all the cool astromech droids that have come out in the 3 1/2" line, are there any plans for more? Maybe a new sculpt of R5D4? How 'bout that cool transparent-domed astromech? What's your opinion of the Death Star astromech is it (pinkie to corner of mouth)...Evil? Yeah Baby! Evil's that droids middle name! Or was it danger? Danger, Dengar, whatever_ Yes, a new R5-D4 is coming, early 2002. I haven't heard of any plans for the clear dome droid, but that would be groovy. If the fans don't mind, and by the way this one is selling it looks like they don't, Hasbro would love to make more astromech variations. That cone headed droid (R4-I9) from the Q5 Force File would be cool, a green R2, yellow R5_, which one do collectors want most? ![]() 2 I was surfing on the Internet recently and I saw a production list of Power of the Jedi figures. On the list, I saw Eeth Koth's name. I was wondering if there have been plans to make an Eeth Koth Power of the Jedi figure in the near future. Also, have you heard any plans of Hasbro making any of the other Jedi Council members? Just gotta love those Jedi Masters/Knights! -Coren Yep, Eeth Koth is set for early 2002. No other "Episode I" council members have been mentioned, but Hasbro remembers the results of the last Fan Choice Poll. Yarael came close to beating out Amanaman, so you gotta think he looks good at some point in the near future. ![]() 3 I am not sure I understand the significance of the hole being punched on the vintage star wars carded figures. Didn't the holes have to be punched to hang the figures on the pegs. How are there that there are so many non punched cards on the market? -ira In addition to standard store pegs, several stand-up displays were used with the vintage line. These figures wouldn't have required punching the holes out and probably explain a good part of what you're finding. Some of these could've also gone straight from the case to the customer, the employee never got a chance to hang it on a peg. The significance is, with that little chad in place (oops, did I say the cha word?) Republicans control the, geeze sorry_ The card back is in its purest form. It's a small detail, but something that can add a few extra bucks to the price tag. ![]() 4 I have three quick questions about the new Sandtrooper coming out. How many are there per case? I think I remember seeing that there's only going to be one or two. Will it be released with more than just the gray paulderon? If more are being released, when will we see them? Immediately, or down the road? -Scott There are two in the first assortment, and a few later cases will also offer this figure at about one to two per, depending on the case. Hasbro is looking into offering other pad colors, but nothing has been decided yet. If, or when, they release additional variations, they will come later on. ![]() 5 I HEARD FROM A FRIEND OF MINE WHO IS A STARWARS TOY DEALER, THAT HASBRO IS RELEASING A NEW BATCH OF CLASSIC STARWARS THEMED TOYS THIS SUMMER. CAN YOU TRY TO VERIFY THIS INFORMATION THRU YOUR HASBRO CONNECTIONS? SOMETHING WAS MENTIONED ABOUT A CANTINA PLAYSET, AND A COUPLE OF ACTION FLEET VEHICLES. -REINALDO No playset, and no Action Fleet. Aside from the standard figures, Hasbro has a few classic 2-packs coming much later in the year, a new series of Deluxe figures, but that's about it. Unless these items are exclusives, it ain't lookin' good. ![]() 6 Does the upcoming Han Trash Compactor 12" figure have the same Stormtrooper outfit as the previous ones? The previous 12" Stormies seemed to be pretty poorly made, and since I don't have any 12" Stormies, I have nothing to compare the pictures to. -Nils Not having the figure in front of me to compare, I can't be 100% sure. I did get a good look at it at Toy Fair, looked like the same costume, but anything could have change from then to now. Until the figure is released we can't be sure, but I'm betting it will be the same. ![]() 7 I wondered if anyone knows where to get a radio-control/remote-control R2-D2? I am almost sure I saw one in a toy shop a couple of Christmases ago but I didn't have the cash at the time to buy it. Can I find one since? Do I wish I'd bought it when I had the chance ? Never mind.... I think the one I saw was made by Hasbro or Kenner, or somebody who makes most of the Star Wars toys but I've looked on all their web sites to no avail. -mark harrison Sorry to say, I haven't seen this item offered in a long time. It was made by Hasbro/Kenner and I want to say it was available in '97. On-line dealer/vendors would be a good place to look, and you could always try eBay. At this point, aside from MAYBE Toys'R'Us and KB, it's not going to be at regular retail. Good luck. ![]() 8 As much as I love the new Boba Fett, and as much as I would like to see the same treatment for a new Jedi Luke, the one "special edition" figure that I would like to see is a Chewbacca with real fur. Could you imagine how cool this would be? Have there been any discussions within Hasbro about making such a figure or is there a figure in existence that I do not know of? If not, how can we get them to make this figure? -Brian Hasbro has had enough trouble with their 12" (furry) Chewbacca. Trying to scale that down to 3 _" is just asking for trouble. Playing Mantis did a great Abominable Snowman (Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer) last year. If Hasbro followed their lead they could do an awesome 12" Chewie. Unfortunately, I can't see them ever attempting anything smaller. Sounds cool though... ![]() 9 Have you heard anything about a re-release of the action figure archive book? Yakface's Realm was lobbying for a second edition not too long ago, I even think they were taking names. I haven't heard anything lately, but you should check their site. Personally I'd love to see another edition, but I'd hope they would hold off until at least after Episode III. ![]() 10 I know vehicles (especially Episode One) aren't something that Hasbro is really pushing these days, but I have an idea about one in general. I was hoping they could make the MTT (droid transport) with a pull out section in the middle. The inside could kinda be a carry case type with the pull out area holding the figures. Maybe a droid could go into the pilot area at top in a seperate opening like the Sandcrawler's front. Do you think such an item would go over if it was made? Any suggestions how to improve it? Would it ever be remotely possible? -Michelle
Sounds like a fun toy to me, throw in a couple sound effects and I'd buy a few. The problem is the development cost for new vehicles is so high, looking at projected sales in the current market makes it hard to justify. In a movie year it might work because of the kid factor, but outside of that it probably wouldn't be considered.
Until next time...