A small break in communication there, had a bit of a detour last week and almost ended up in Little Rock... Oh well, I'm back now and here's the recap to our last Tenth Question:
I think it was the 1997 MTV Movie Awards where Chewbacca finally
received his medal from Carrie Fisher for his heroics in "A New Hope."
I've been wondering where I can find this great little segment. I've
checked the Internet and haven't had any luck. Do you know where I could
get a copy?
Well, I do now... Based on your fellow fan/collectors advice, head on
over to www.blueharvest.net.
they have a Quicktime clip all set up. Enjoy!
Thanks to everyone that wrote in.
On with the show:
![]() 1 I noticed that Rebelscum is running a poll as to which color shoulder pauldron the next POTJ Sandtrooper should come with. However, the poll offers Orange and White as the only options. I'm just curious to know why Black was excluded? Unless I'm mistaken, Black is the only pauldron color that we haven't yet seen in the 3 3/4" line. In addition, the Force File photo is actually of a Black-pauldroned Sandtrooper. I guess my question is, any chance that Hasbro might give us the Black pauldron on this baby? -Eldon Thompson I don't think so. The only colors I've heard mentioned are white and orange. Considering the trooper on the Force File has a black pad, I'm pretty sure Hasbro considers the current figure covers the black pad version. ![]() 2 Hello, this may be old news but I was wondering if you had any info regarding the current and future releases of the Amidala portrait dolls. I've heard and seen little save the 2000 Return to Naboo doll. Did they stop with this one, or are they just terribly hard to find? -Samantha Shehan Hasbro put this line on hold in early 2000, and has not made any mention about bringing it back, yet. With a new movie next year it's possible we could see more dolls produced, but until it's officially announced, it's really hard to say. It's too bad, as far as collectible dolls go, these were some pretty nice pieces. ![]() 3 Back in 1999 before Menace opened I theorized that at some point Senator Palpatine would come at Anakin with the words: I am your father. I was wrong. Since then I have developed two new theories. First, Naboo and Dagobah are the same planet. Second, Sio Bibble is somehow allied with Darth Sidious. And if I haven't wasted enough of your time here's my most interesting theory: Kisdter, Anakin's friend from Tatooine, will make an appearance in Episode II, but his name will not be Kidster. Instead his name will be something along the lines of **** Fett. -mike Mike, have you ever heard of the three strike's rule...? I'm sure we've all theorized about what could possibly happen in this new prequel trilogy, I've even heard a couple of these bounced around from time to time. However, at this point, it's really anyone's guess. Still, word has gotten out that pretty much crushes the whole Kister/Fett theory. As for the rest, I really hope Dagobah and Naboo are two different planets. I think the Star Wars (film) universe is small enough already, revisiting Naboo in Episode V just makes it smaller. Bibble/Sidious link, not likely. Palpatine Anakin's father... It might explain "a great many things", but in the end I think it's just a little too much. Father, son, and grandfather duking it out in the end of Return of the Jedi? Hey, I guess anything is possible. ![]() 4 Is the Salacious Crumb figure that comes with Amanaman the same as with Oola? Or is it a different one. If it is different, I hope it will be able to sit on Jabba's tail like in the movie. -Robert I've been told it will be different, slightly, but I have not been able to compare the two. We may know more in a few weeks, the Deluxe figures might show up at the San Diego Comic Con. More on this later... ![]() 5 There has been a lot of talk about new figures, and where they may be going. If Hasbro starts a new "most wanted" poll again, will you set up a click icon to go to it? I didn't get a chance to vote the last two times. Like you said, "doesn't really matter, we all win in the end." Do you think they should set up different polls? (One from PM, the other for the ANH, ESB, and ROTJ) -Brandon We'll see what we can do to set up a direct link to the poll. I know Hasbro has had trouble with people not being able to get into the site during the polls, but I'm told they have upgraded things a bit and they hope this will not be a problem next time. As for separate polls, I don't see Hasbro being able to do four 'Fan' figures a year. I think one or two is about the max, and in that case running separate polls wouldn't work as well. I think a mix of characters from all the films works the best, but I would like to see an Episode I figure win one of these days. ![]() 6 If you were to create a vintage diorama using the "Cloud City playset" depicting the carbon freezing chamber scene, for Leia would you use the Hoth or the Bespin gown version? Or put the Bespin gown Leia's head on the Hoth body? Neither is correct... Personally, I'd go with Hoth Leia. It might not be totally accurate, but I think it's much closer than the Bespin gown version. ![]() 7 Two questions- what wave, if any, was the dirty biker scout part of? Second- do you think we will ever see a magazine devoted solely to Star Wars figures and collecting on a monthly basis. I know we have Lee's Action Figure & Toy Review but they really don't cover it well? If I'm not mistaken, the Dirty Biker Scout never really came with a particular 'wave' of figures. He's shown up in a number of Collection 1 replacement cases but that's about it. As for a monthly publication just on Star Wars figures and collecting, sounds great, but I wonder if they would have enough to fill a regular issue. While there was plenty to cover in 1999, 2000 and 2001 were kind of slow. If it covered all aspects of collecting, toys, cards, comics, book, games, etc... it might be worth a shot. Although, now a days, with the web the way it is, you have to wonder if each issue might be out dated by the time it hits the shelf. ![]() 8 I've seen a few different pictures of the b-wing, but the earlier ones show a red pilot, like Arvel Crynyd, but now I'm seeing pictures of it with a white Sullustan pilot like Ten Numb. Do you know which is the real deal? And another thing, whichever one it is, are they identical to the ones in the Rebel Pilots cinema scene pack? -Darth Xoddamkire The real deal is, the B-wing comes with a white clad Sullistan pilot. Comparing the two, there are only slight deco changes, other than that the figures are the same. The obvious difference is that the B-wing pilot has black gloves. The picture you saw with the red suited pilot was an internal image for reference only. Even so, it might not be a totally terrible idea for Hasbro to update the vintage B-wing pilot and put him on a card. Now that we have the ship, I'd love to put the old pilot in there. ![]() 9 Recently, I have seen many stories relating to the "unproduced" series two Comm chips. Ebay just had an auction going for a loose Jek Porkins and a loose Mas Amedda which sold for $150 some and $180 some respectively. Another fellow found six loose chips, only the Chewie had the picture on it, and they were Mas Amedda, Coruscant Guard, Sabe', Tusken Raider, Chewie, Battle Droid-security. He also listed what each chip said. I have sent a letter of inquiry to Hasbro and included these bits of proof, but I would die for a loose Chewie chip. One fellow told me where he gets his but can't or wont find me the Chewie. Now, I'm not greedy and since Chewie was supposed to be part of the first series, I would have been just as happy with the Chewie. Let these folks have their whole loose collections or the few final carded versions of Chewie, Mas, Tusken, and Coruscant Guard, all I ever wanted was the Chewie. Any idea where I can find one? It doesn't hurt to ask, huh? It never hurts to ask, but I wish I had an easier answer for you. Right now the only way to get these chips is off eBay or from a dealer with "connections." There was talk at one time of releasing the CommTech2 chips in a set, but that doesn't seem to be going anywhere now. If you have the money to spend you may want to follow the auctions closely. If not, I'd just sit tight. Aside from the fact of having it, the sound quality really wasn't that much better. If you had to pay too much, you might end up a little disappointed. ![]() 10 With all the never before produced characters and resculpts POTJ is giving us, what do you think the chances are of us ever seeing an Awards Ceremony Han, an authentic Carbonite Chamber Han (arm shackles, wrist shackles, sleeves rolled up), resculpts of Han and Luke Stromtrooper, General/Endor Han, or one last version of the classic Leia (no hood, clothes not dirty from the trash compactor, not posed to hold a rifle, no shackles, just a plain, face forward articulated figure)? Also, why aren't there more twelve inch figures of Leia? We've yet to see 12inchers of Bespin Gown, Bespin Escape, General/Endor, and Ewok Ceremony.
I'd say the chances for some of those figures are pretty good. Hasbro needs to have main characters in the line, but they have listened to collectors and are limiting the number of 'same' characters per year. Generally we should only see one Han, one Luke, and one Leia in any given year, but over the next few years there's plenty of time to re-do some of the more deserving
POTF2 figures and create totally new versions. Because Power of the Jedi has a completely new approach, (more detail & more movie accurate) I'd think all these figures are fair game. We'll just have to wait and see. As for more Leia 12 inch, the prevailing though for a boy's toy line is that girl figures don't sell. Still, as a main character, Leia should be right up there with the boys so I
don't know what the hold up is. It seems Hasbro is concentrating on some of the collector favorites (bounty hunters and such), perhaps we'll see more of Leia in the future, or maybe they will bring back the portrait editions... Anything is possible.
Until next time...