R2-D2 accompanies Padmé to Mustafar as she tries to persuade Anakin to return to the side of good. The loyal astromech droid witnesses a tragedy that has monumental consequences for the galaxy.

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Points of Interest:
This R2-D2 figure is the exact same sculpt as 2002's R2-D2 (Coruscant Sentry) from the Saga line, which was based off 1998's Electronic Power F/X R2-D2 from the Power of the Force 2 line. New sounds have been added.
As anyone who has seen Revenge of the Sith knows, the description on the card is incorrect. R2-D2 arrived on Mustafar with Anakin.
Photography by Dan Curto
Also included with this figure is a folding pamphlet that shows other toys in the Force Battlers, Galactic Heroes, and Attacktix lines.