Source: The Phantom Menace

Year: 2008

Assortment: 3" Vehicles

Retail: $6.99

Date Stamp: 1999


  • Slide Out Droid Rack
  • Display Stand
  • Manufacturer: Baktoid Armor Workshop
    Function: Transport
    Crew: Two pilot battle droids
    Length: 31 meters
    Weapons: Blaster cannons
    Affiliation: Trade Federation
    Comments: Anonymous, implacable and vast, these slow-moving, heavily armored Multi Troop Transports carry about them an air of inevitability. Their blank, featureless exteriors are impervious to all but the heaviest artillery, allowing them to deliver their battle droid complement directly to the heart of an enemy formation, or even to ram fortifications and drop battle droids inside. Few things in the galaxy are quite as intimidating as the sight of several dozen MTTs advancing, silent and inexorable, across a battle field in the quiet before the first shots are fired.

    Points of Interest:
  • The Trade Federation MTT is based on the 1999 Galoob Vehicle.
  • Photography by Dan Curto

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