(A New Hope)

Year: 2006

Assortment: 3" Vehicles

Retail: $4.99

Date Stamp: 2005


  • Rotating Laser Cannon
  • Display Stand
  • Company: Imperial Department of Military Research
    Size: 120 kilometers in diameter
    Weapon: Superlaser
    Function: The ultimate weapon in the new order
    Destroyed: The peaceful planet of Alderaan
    Affiliation: Empire
    Comments: "That's no's a space station." The Death Star was supposed to be the Empire’s ultimate weapon in crushing the last remnants of the Rebellion. The massive space station was capable of destroying a planet with a single blast from its superlaser. During a full-scale Rebel assault, however, this technological terror was ultimately no match for the power of the Force!

    Points of Interest:
  • The design for this representation of the Death Star allows the superlaser to change from normal (empty) to active (green) when twisting the station around.
  • Photography by Dan Curto

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