With Scout Trooper
Collection: Movie Heroes
Source: Return Of The Jedi
Year: 2012
Original Retail: $24.99
Item Number: A0023
UPC: 6 53569 75854 9
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Word about Hasbro's Toys "R" Us exclusive Speeder Bike first broke right here on June 5, 2012 and more details were were published on June 18, 2012. The Speeder Bike with Scout Trooper, in it's Darth Maul movie Heroes packaging, was officially announced as part of Hasbro's Star Wars presentation at the 2012 San Diego Comic-Con. Immediately after the presentation, Hasbro displayed the loose toy in one of their Star Wars display cases, and offered attendees the opportunity to play with it under close supervision. Needless to say, everyone that had a chance to play with it instantly fell in love with this greatly improved, and finally screen-accurate Speeder Bike. In addition to the fully redesigned Speeder Bike, this set also included a retooled Scout Trooper with a revised ball-jointed head and ball-hinged hips.

Product Information
Manufacturer: HasbroCollection: Movie Heroes
Source: Return Of The Jedi
Year: 2012
Original Retail: $24.99
Item Number: A0023
UPC: 6 53569 75854 9
Included in the box:
- Speeder Bike
- Scout Trooper Figure
- Tripod Laser Cannon (6 pieces)
- 2x Scout Trooper Blaster
- Display Stand (2 pieces)
About this set:
- The Speeder Bike included in this set is was the first complete redesign produced since the original Kenner toy and for the first time ever, Star Wars collectors were offered a screen accurate 3 3/4-inch representation of the Imperial vehicle.
- The Scout Trooper figure included in this set is a retooling of the figure first seen as part of the 2006 Saga Collection Vintage Kenner line. The 2012 version has a revised ball-jointed head that allows any pose to be realized as well as ball-hinged hips to better sit on the Speeder Bike.
- The Tripod Laser Cannon was designed specifically for this set, and can be used to modify the Speeder Bike for maximum playability
- For reasons not made clear, Hasbro packed in two Scout Trooper Blasters in this set.
Photography & Text by D. Martin Myatt
Page Built by Adam Lamping