(Jedi Knight)

Return of the Jedi

Collection: 4

Year: 2007

Number: 30-25

Assortment: Basic Figures

Retail: $6.99

Assortment Number: 87300/87500

UPC Number: 6 53569 20660 6

Weapons and Accessories:

  • Lightsaber
  • Lightsaber Hilt
  • Bone
  • Cloth Tunic
  • Collector Coin
  • Species: Human, raised on the planet Tatooine
    Status: Jedi Knight
    Weapon of Choice: His father's lightsaber
    Characteristic: Willing to go to extremes to save his friends
    Comments: Luke's plan to rescue Han from Jabba's palace seems doomed when the young Jedi Knight is thrown unarmed into the rancor pit. But even without his lightsaber, the resourceful Jedi manages to defeat the massive beast by using every item at his disposal, including the bones of its previous victims.

    Points of Interest:
  • This Luke Skywalker can be split apart at the torso, and the tunic and belt removed. However, when putting the figure back together, the pieces don't quite line up perfectly. There is a gap between the two halves.
  • Photography by Dan Curto
  • Also included with this figure is a folding pamphlet that shows other toys in The 30th Anniversary Collection.

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