(With Torture Rack)

The Empire Strikes Back

Collection: 6

Year: 2007

Number: 30-38

Assortment: Basic Figures

Retail: $6.99

Assortment Number: 87391/87500

UPC Number: 6 53569 24955 9

Weapons and Accessories:

  • Torture Rack
  • Collector Coin
  • Species: Human
    Status: Reluctant rebel hero
    Weapon of Choice: Blaster Pistol
    Characeristic: Refuses to surrender
    Comments: Han and his friends go to Bespin to escape the Empire, but Han's friend Lando turns them over to their enemy, Darth Vader. Strapped to a rack, Han is tortured with no idea why, telling Leia afterwards, "They never even asked me any qestions."

    Roll over the image above to torture Han Solo!

    Points of Interest:
  • This Han Solo figure uses he same legs as the VOTC Han Solo figure.
  • The toruture rack straps can only be removed from one side. They are glued down on the other side.
  • Photography by Dan Curto
  • Also included with this figure is a folding pamphlet that shows other toys in The 30th Anniversary Collection.

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