The Rebel Alliance learns that the Empire is building a second Death Star and that the Emperor is on board overseeing its construction. The Rebels plan to destroy the station, but a deflector shield protects it from attack. Han, Chewie, Leia, Luke, C-3PO, and R2-D2 are sent to Endor to disable the shield. After being chased by Scout Troopers, they are befriended by the native Ewoks, who join their fight against the Empire. Han tricks the Stormtroopers into letting him into their bunker and shuts down the shield. Rebels and Ewoks battle the Stormtroopers, with Chewie arriving ot help his friends in a captured AT-ST Walker. With the shield down, the Rebel fleet destroys the Death Star, ending Emperor Palpatine's rule.


This AT-ST is a repaint of 2000's POTJ Imperial AT-ST & Speeder Bike set. This time around, it has more of an Endor deco.
Weapons and Accessories:
Charging Leg Attack
Rotatable Gun Turrets
Opening Cockpit and Access Hatch
Watch the AT-ST stomping action!


This AT-ST Driver is a kit-bash repaint figure using the body of 2004's SAGA Han Solo (Endor Strike) and the head from one of the Rebel Fleet Troopers in 2007's TAC Capture of the Tantive IV battle pack.
Weapons and Accessories:
BlasTech E-11 Blaster Pistol


This Biker Scout is a repaint of 2006's VTSC Biker Scout, now with more dirty armor.
Weapons and Accessories:
Scout Blaster
This Biker Scout is a repaint of 2007's TAC Shadow Scout, which has a wider stance and a repostioned belt.
Weapons and Accessories:
Scout Blaster


Chewbacca is a repaint of 2002's SAGA Chewbacca (Cloud City Capture), now armed with a bowcaster.
Weapons and Accessories:
Wookiee Bowcaster


Han Solo is a repaint of 2006's VTSC Han Solo (Trench Coat).
Weapons and Accessories:
BlasTech DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol


The 2 Logs are new to Star Wars. They come with ropes to hang from, or they can stack together.
Weapons and Accessories:


Oochee is a kit-bashed repaint of 1998's POTF2 Logray with Wicket's hood.
Weapons and Accessories:
2 Spears
Ewok Hood


The 2 Speeder Bikes are repaints of the bikes from 2000's POTJ Imperial AT-ST & Speeder Bike set. They do not "explode."
Weapons and Accessories:
Flip-Up thrust flaps
Positionable Altitude Controls
Swiveling Blaster Cannon
Pivoting Maneuver Controls


This Stormtrooper is a kit-bashed repaint of 2006's TSC Sandtrooper with a VOTC Stormtrooper belt.
Weapons and Accessories:
BlasTech E-11 Blaster Pistol


"Wicket W. Warrick" is a repaint of 1998's POTFs Wicket. However, this is not is actually his brother, Widdle Warrick.
Weapons and Accessories:
Ewok Hood
Points of Interest:
This Ultimate Battle Pack is available as part of Target's exclusive "WOW or Never" program, where fans can enter for a chance to win a trip to California and a chance to get their own action figure made for them by Hasbro.
Photography by Dan Curto