Plo Koon is a Jedi Master whose homeworld is Dorin, where the atmosphere is mostly helium and another gas unique to the planet. He wears protective goggles and a face-concealing antiox mask whenever he is in oxygen-rich environments.
Points of Interest:
Plo Koon is a kit-bashed figure that includes the torso and hands from 2005's ROTS Plo Koon III-16, along with all-new arms, legs, and head.
This figure is based partly on concept artwork for Revenge of the Sith and also Plo Koon's cameo appearance in the 2002 Star Wars: Practice Makes Perfect mini comic book from Toys "R" Us, in which he appears without his breathing mask.
This figure contains an extra "Droid Factory" piece to Build-A-Droid. This figure includes YVH-1's head & blaster.
Photography by Dan Curto