Welcome to Rebelscum's new Top Ten page. From time to time we'll be coming to you, the fan and collector, to see what items you'd most like to add to your collection. We will cover a variety of lines from Hasbro, Galoob, and other makers of Star Wars collectibles. When the results are tallied, we'll take your requests directly to the manufacture for their consideration. Between you, the collector, and Rebelscum, we should be able to provide sound advice and some really great ideas for new toys.

So let's get to it:

With Hasbro focusing on some great Classic figures, and Episode II nearly upon us, we at Rebelscum want to know what figures from Episode I: The Phantom Menace you'd like to see offered next. Choose from any characters you can think of, Hero, Villain, Jedi Master, Pod Racer, Galactic Senator, or two-second background character, and send us your personal top ten (10) list of the figures you'd like to see made. We'll take your list, compare it with the others, and based on the results, compile a final list of the Top Ten figures collectors want most.

How this will work:

When we receive your list, we'll assign ten points to your number one choice, nine points to your number two choice, and so on. We'll keep a master list of all the figures that are voted for and update their point totals, or score, as more lists are sent in. At the end of the survey we'll post the results and name the top ten figures. In the event of a tie, we'll hold a run off poll between the figures in question. Through our relationship with Hasbro, we'll make sure they get the list for future consideration.

To help with some of the names and faces, we've provided a few images below. You can choose from there, or any other source, but be sure to be as accurate as you can with names or scenes your choice may appear in. If all else fails, a picture is worth a thousand words... Keep in mind, figures like Shmi, Lott Dodd, Sabe, and Sae See Tiin are already "in the works," but if you think it would help, go ahead and throw them on your list too. The campaign will run through November, and only one "list" per email address will be accepted. As always, more participation equals better results. Send your list today, and tell a friend to sign on as well.

Send your Top Ten list via email to: TopTen@rebelscum.com

Amidala: Pre-Senate Amidala: Return to Naboo Amidala: Post-Senate Amidala: Naboo Celebration
Amidala: Flight from Naboo Sen. Aks Moe G8-R3 Yaddle
Ben Quadineros Bibb Fortuna Depa Billaba Sen. Orn Free Taa
Daultay Dofine Dud Bolt Eeth Koth Eirtae
Erdan Diva Funquita Gardulla the Hutt Ann & Tann Gella
Gungan Lookout Sen. Horox Ryyder Sen. Tendau Bendon Kitster
Mawhonic Nute & Rune Hologram Obi-Wan Kenobi: Federation Battleship Obi-Wan Kenobi: Naboo Swamp
Oppo Rancisis Padme Naberrie: Handmaiden Even Piell Yareal Poof
R2-A6 Rabe Ratts Tyerell Rep Been
Radient VII Co-Pilot Radient VII Captain Sei Taria Sen. Toonbuck Toora
Diva Shaliqua Sio Bibble: Hologram Swokes Swokes Teemto Pagalies
Ithorian Merchant Wald Watto: Flying Sen. Yarua
Anakin: Pod Racer Battle Droid: Pilot Bravo Pilot: Ace Bravo Three
Clegg Holdfast Power Droid Mars Guo Darth Maul: Hologram
Sen. Mot Not Rab Naboo Royal Security Naboo Security Officer Neimoidian Advisor
Pod Mechanic #1 Pod Mechanic #2 Sache Tey How
Yane Aldar Beedo Ark "Bumpy" Roose Boles Roor
Ebe Endocott Elan Mak Neva Kee Wan Sandage

Other figure ideas:

Jedi Ambassador Qui-Gon

Jedi Ambassador Obi-Wan

Senator Palpatine Hologram

Rolo Droid

Trade Federation "Clean up" Droid