Skiff Guard
Year: 2012
Original Retail: $9.99
Assortment Number: 98527/37499
UPC Number: 6 53569 73200 6

The fourth wave of figures in Hasbro's 2012 Vintage Collection featured five new figures included the long-awaited (and completely warranted) updated Dr. Evazan from A New Hope, Aayla Secura from Revenge Of The Sith, Kithaba (Skiff Guard) from Return Of The Jedi, the 501st Clone Trooper from Revenge Of The Sith, and the Expanded Universe’s Nom Anor.
This collection began hitting shelves in April 2012, and the initial releases feature an easy to remove sticker advertising the "Life-Sized Darth Maul Statue" giveaway. All these figures also feature a packed in pamphlet with additional details on the giveaway.

Product Information
Manufacturer: HasbroYear: 2012
Original Retail: $9.99
Assortment Number: 98527/37499
UPC Number: 6 53569 73200 6
What's In The Box?
- Kithaba Figure
- Bandolier
- Force Pike
- Blaster
About this Figure
- Kithaba (Skiff Guard) is an all-new figure
- When it began shipping in April, 2012, the Kithaba figure was available with either a black or a red headband.
Photography by Rich Alot
Text by D. Martin Myatt