Basic Figures
Wave 1 - Revenge of the Sith
__ 30-01: Darth Vader & 30th Anniversary Coin Album
__ 30-02: Galactic Marine
__ 30-03: Mustafar Lava Miner
__ 30-04: R2-D2
__ 30-05: Obi-Wan Kenobi
__ 30-06: Mace Windu
__ 30-07: Airborne Trooper
__ 30-08: Super Battle Droid
__ 30-09: Mcquarrie Signature Series - Concept Stormtrooper
Wave 2 - Battle of Yavin (delayed from The Saga Collection)
__ 30-10: Rebel Honor Guard (Yavin)
__ 30-11: Han Solo (Smuggler)
__ 30-12: Luke Skywalker (Yavin Ceremony)
__ 30-13: Death Star Trooper
__ 30-14: Biggs Darklighter (Rebel Pilot)
__ 30-15: McQuarrie Signature Series - Concept Boba Fett
Wave 3 - A New Hope
__ 30-16: Darth Vader
__ 30-17: Biggs Darklighter (Academy Outfit)
__ 30-18: Luke Skywalker (Moisture Farmer)
__ 30-19: Jawa & LIN Droid (Tatooine Scavenger)
__ 30-20: Imperial Stormtrooper (Galactic Empire)
__ 30-21: McQuarrie Signature Series - Concept Chewbacca
__ 30-22: M'iiyoom Onith (Hementhe)
__ 30-23: Elis Helrot (Givin)
Wave 4 - Return of the Jedi
__ 30-24: Boba Fett (Animated Debut)
__ 30-25: Luke Skywalker (Jedi Knight)
__ 30-26: CZ-4 (CZ-Series Droid)
__ 30-27: Umpass-Stay (Klatooinian)
__ 30-28: McQuarrie Signature Series - Concept Darth Vader
__ 30-29: Hermi Odle (Baragwin)
__ 30-30: C-3PO & Salacious Crumb (Jabba's Servants)
Wave 5 - Expanded Universe
__ 30-31: Roron Corobb (Jedi Knight)
__ 30-32: Yoda & Kybuck (Jedi Master)
__ 30-33: Anakin Skywalker (Jedi Knight)
__ 30-34: Darth Revan (Sith Lord)
__ 30-35: Darth Malak (Sith Lord)
__ 30-36: Pre-Cyborg Grievous (Kaleesh Warlord Qymaen jai Sheelal)
__ 30-37: McQuarrie Signature Series - Concept Starkiller Hero
Wave 6 - The Empire Strikes Back
__ 30-38: Han Solo (with Torture Rack)
__ 30-39: Lando Calrissian (Smuggler Outfit)
__ 30-40: General McQuarrie (Rebel Officer)
__ 30-41: 4-LOM (Bounty Hunter)
__ 30-42: McQuarrie Signature Series - Concept Snowtrooper
Wave 7 - Return of the Jedi
__ 30-43: Romba & Graak (Ewok Warriors)
__ 30-44: Tycho Celchu (A-Wing Pilot)
__ 30-45: Anakin Skywalker (Jedi Spirit)
__ 30-46: R2-D2 (with Cargo Net)
__ 30-47: McQuarrie Signature Series - Concept Han Solo
Wave 7.5 - Repaints
__ 30-48: Darth Vader (Hologram)
__ 30-49: Clone Trooper (7th Legion Trooper)
__ 30-50: Clone Trooper (Hawkbat Battalion)
__ 30-51: R2-B1 (Astromech Droid)
__ 30-52: Naboo Soldier (Royal Naboo Army)
__ 30-53: Rebel Vanguard Trooper (Star Wars: Battlefront)
__ 30-54: Pax Bonkik (Rodian Podracer Mechanic)
Wave 8 - Attack of the Clones
__ 30-55: Clone Trooper (Training Fatigues)
__ 30-56: Padmé Amidala (Naboo Senator)
__ 30-57: Jango Fett (Bounty Hunter)
__ 30-58: Voolvif Monn (Jedi Master)
__ 30-59: Destroyer Droid (Droideka)
__ 30-60: McQuarrie Signature Series - Concept Rebel Trooper
2008 Wave 1 - Revenge of the Sith
__ 08-01: Obi-Wan Kenobi
__ 08-02: Darth Vader
__ 08-03: Clone Commander Gree
__ 08-04: Kashyyyk Trooper
__ 08-05: Tri-Droid
__ 08-06: 2-1B Surgical Droid
__ 08-07: Po Nudo
__ 08-08: Mustafar Panning Droid
2008 Wave 2 -The Force Unleashed (delayed from 2007)
__ 08-09: Imperial EVO Trooper
__ 08-10: Imperial Jumptrooper
__ 08-11: Maris Brood
__ 08-12: Darth Vader (Battle-Damaged)
__ 08-13: Rahm Kota
__ 08-14: Shadow Guard
__ 08-15: Juno Eclipse
2007 UGH Chase Figures (Gold coin variants)
__ Airborne Trooper
__ Biggs Darklighter (Rebel Pilot)
__ Boba Fett (Animated Debut)
__ Darth Vader (Sith Lord)
__ Galactic Marine
__ Han Solo (Smuggler)
__ Luke Skywalker (Yavin Ceremony)
__ Mace Windu
__ McQuarrie Concept Boba Fett
__ McQuarrie Concept Chewbacca
__ McQuarrie Concept Stormtrooper
__ R2-D2
2007 Vintage Figures
__ Bossk (Bounty Hunter)
__ IG-88 (Bounty Hunter)
__ Han Solo (Hoth Outfit)
__ Luke Skywalker (Bespin Fatigues)
__ Princess Leia Organa (in Combat Poncho)
__ Imperial Stormtrooper (Hoth Battle Gear)
Comic Packs
__ No. 01: Carnor Jax & Kir Kanos
__ No. 02: Darth Vader & Rebel Officer
__ No. 03: Governor Tarkin & Stormtrooper
__ No. 04: Chewbacca & Han Solo
__ No. 05: Quinlan Vos & Vilmarh Grahrk
__ No. 06: Luke Skywalker & R2-D2
__ No. 07: Obi-Wan Kenobi & ARC Trooper
__ No. 08: A'sharad Hett & The Dark Woman
__ No. 09: Leia Organa & Darth Vader
__ No. 10: Mara Jade & Luke Skywalker
__ No. 11: Anakin Skywalker & Assassin Droid
__ No. 12: Baron Soontir Fel & Derek "Hobbie" Klivian
__ No. 13: Koffi Arana & Bultar Swan
__ No. 14: Lt. Jundland & Deena Shan
__ No. 15: Mouse & Basso
__ No. 16: Clone Commando & Super Battle Droid
__ No. ###: Obi-Wan Kenobi & Bail Organa (Wal-Mart Exclusive)
__ No. ###: Boba Fett & RA-7 Droid (Wal-Mart Exclusive)
__ No. ###: Commander Keller & Galactic Marine (Wal-Mart Exclusive)
__ No. ###: Count Dooku & Anakin Skywalker
__ No. ###: Kashyyyk Trooper & Wookiee Warrior
__ No. ###: Lando Calrissian & Stormtrooper
Battle Packs
__ Ambush on Ilum (Target Exclusive)
__ ARC-170 Elite Squad (Target Exclusive)
__ Arena Encounter (Toys "R Us)
__ AT-RT Assault Squad (Target Exclusive)
__ Attack on Kashyyyk (Target Exclusive)
__ Bantha with Tusken Raiders - tan(Toys "R" Us Exclusive)
__ Bantha with Tusken Raiders - brown (Toys "R" Us Exclusive)
__ Battle of Geonosis
__ Battle on Mygeeto
__ Battle Rancor with Felucian Rider & Saddle (Target Exclusive)
__ Betrayal at Bespin
__ Betrayal on Felucia (Target Exclusive)
__ Capture of the Tantive IV
__ Clone Attack on Coruscant
__ Droid Factory Capture
__ Hoth Patrol
__ Jedi Vs. Sith
__ Jedi Vs. Darth Sidious
__ Jedi Training on Dagobah
__ STAP Attack
__ The Hunt for Grievous
__ Treachery on Saleucami (Wal-Mart Exclusive)
__ Ultimate Battle Pack: The Battle of Endor (Target Exclusive)
__ Ultimate Battle Pack: The Battle of Hoth (Target Exclusive)
Commemorative Tin Collection
__ Episode I
__ Episode II
__ Episode III
__ Episode IV
__ Episode V
__ Episode VI
__ Figrin D'an and the Modal Nodes
__ Episode II (Exclusive Edition)
__ Episode III (Exclusive Edition)
__ Episode VI (Exclusive Edition)
2007 Order 66 - (Target Exclusives)
__ 1 of 6: Emperor and Commander Thire
__ 2 of 6: Mace Windu and Galactic Marine
__ 3 of 6: Darth Vader and Commander Bow
__ 4 of 6: Obi-Wan Kenobi and Utapau AT-RT Driver
__ 5 of 6: Anakin Skywalker and Airborne Trooper
__ 6 of 6: Yoda and Kashyyyk Trooper
2008 Order 66 - (Target Exclusives)
__ 1 of 6: Obi-Wan Kenobi & Arc Trooper Commander
__ 2 of 6: Anakin Skywalker & ARC Trooper
__ 3 of 6: Tsui Choi & BARC Trooper
__ 4 of 6: Emperor Palpatine & Commander Vill
__ 5 of 6: Luminara Unduli & AT-RT Driver
__ 6 of 6: Master Sev & ARC Trooper
Saga Legends
__ Darth Vader
__ Darth Maul
__ Yoda
__ R2-D2
__ General Grievous
__ C-3PO (with Battle Droid head)
__ Clone Trooper (ROTS)
__ Shocktrooper
__ Battle Droids 2-pack I (tan infantry & commander)
__ Battle Droids 2-pack II (maroon blaster damage & lightsaber damage)
__ Battle Droids 2-pack III (tan blaster damage & lightsaber damage)
__ Battle Droids 2-pack IV (tan dirty & clean)
__ Clone Trooper (AOTC)
__ Boba Fett
__ Obi-Wan Kenobi
__ Chewbacca
__ Darth Vader (Anakin Skywalker)
__ Saesee Tiin
__ Destroyer Droid
__ 501st Clone Trooper I
__ Princess Leia (Boushh Disguise)
Saga Legends Fan's Choice 2007
__ Biker Scout
__ Clone Commander (Coruscant)
__ Clone Trooper Officer (Captain)
__ Clone Trooper Officer (Commander)
__ Clone Trooper Officer (Sergeant)
__ Clone Trooper Officer (Lieutenant)
__ Darktrooper (Fan's Choice #1)
__ Imperial Officer (variant head sculpt I)
__ Imperial Officer (variant head sculpt II)
__ Imperial Officer (variant head sculpt III)
__ Pit Droids 2-pack with accessory 1 (white)
__ Pit Droids 2-pack with accessory 1 (brown)
__ Pit Droids 2-pack with accessory 1 (orange)
__ R4-I9
__ RA-7
__ Sandtrooper I ("Super Dirty" Sergeant - body #1)
__ Sandtrooper II ("Dirty" Squad Leader - body #1)
__ Sandtrooper III ("Clean" Corporal - body #1)
__ Sandtrooper IV ("Clean" Sergeant - body #1)
__ Sandtrooper V (Squad Leader - body #2)
__ TC-14
Saga Legends Fan's Choice 2008
__ 501st Clone Trooper II
__ Commander Neyo
__ Covert Ops Clone Trooper
__ Pit Droids 2-pack with accessory 2 (white)
__ Pit Droids 2-pack with accessory 2 (brown)
__ Pit Droids 2-pack with accessory 2 (orange)
__ Shadow Stormtrooper
__ Utapau Shadow Trooper
__ Zev Senesca
__ Cantina Band Member (Disney Weekends 2007)
__ Concept General Grievous (SWS Exclusive)
__ Darth Vader & Incinerator Troopers - The Force Unleashed (Wal-Mart)
__ Emperor Palpatine & Shadow Stormtroopers - The Force Unleashed (Wal-Mart)
__ McQuarrie Signature Series - Concept Luke Skywalker (C4 & CE Exclusive)
__ McQuarrie Signature Series - Concept Obi-Wan & Yoda (SDCC Exclusive)
__ McQuarrie Signature Series - Concept R2-D2 & C-3PO (C4 & CE Exclusive)
__ R2-KT (Shared Exclusive)
__ Shadow Scout Trooper & Speeder Bike (SDCC Exclusive)
__ Shadow Troopers 2-Pack (Jedi-Con 2008 Exclusive)
__ Stormtrooper Commander (GameStop Exclusive)
__ Toy Fair Exclusive Collector Coin
__ Battlefront II: Clone Pack (Shared Exclusive)
__ Battlefront II: Droid Pack (Shared Exclusive)
__ Clones & Commanders Gift Pack (Toys "R Us)
__ I am your Father's Day Gift Pack (Wal-Mart)
__ The Max Rebo Band: Jabba's Palace Entertainers (Wal-Mart)
__ The Max Rebo Band: Jabba's Palace Musicians (Wal-Mart)
__ Republic Elite Forces: Mandalorians & Clone Troopers (Entertainment Earth)
__ Republic Elite Forces: Mandalorians & Omega Squad (Entertainment Earth)
__ Anakin Skywalker to Darth Vader
__ Clone Trooper to Stormtrooper
__ The Sith
__ The Fett Legacy
__ The Jedi Legacy
__ The Sith Legacy
__ Vader's Secret Apprentice
__ Aayla Secura's Jedi Starfighter
__ ARC-170 Fighter (Clone Wars deco)
__ AT-AP Walker
__ Anakin's Jedi Starfighter (Coruscant)
__ Anakin's Jedi Starfighter (Mustafar)
__ Darth Vader's Sith Starfighter
__ Darth Vader TIE Advanced Starfighter
__ Elite TIE Interceptor with 181st Squadron TIE Pilot (Toys "R" US Exclusive)
__ General Grievous' Starfighter
__ Hailfire Droid
__ Imperial Shuttle (UK Exclusive)
__ Mace Windu's Jedi Starfighter
__ Obi-Wan's Jedi Starfighter (Coruscant)
__ Obi-Wan's Jedi Starfighter (Utapau)
__ Obi-Wan's Jedi Starfighter with Hyperspace Ring
__ Saesee Tiin's Jedi Starfighter (Clone Wars)
__ Sith Infiltrator
__ TIE Bomber (Target exclusive)
__ TIE Fighter
__ TIE Fighter (large white wings - Toys "R" Us exclusive)
__ Trade Federation Armored Assault Tank (AAT)
__ V-Wing Starfighter
__ Y-Wing Fighter (Toys "R" US Exclusive)
__ AT-AT Driver/AT-AT
__ Clone Trooper Pilot/Republic Gunship
__ Commander Cody/Clone Turbo Tank
__ Darth Vader/Death Star
__ Darth Vader/TIE Fighter Vs. Obi-Wan Kenobi/Jedi Starfighter
__ Luke Skywalker/Snowspeeder
__ Mace Windu/Jedi Starfighter
__ Saesee Tiin/Jedi Starfighter
Role Play
__ Basic Lightsaber- Various Colors
__ Darth Vader's Lightsaber - Force Action
__ Darth Maul's Double Ended Lightsaber
__ Force Unleashed Lightsaber - Force Action
__ Luke Skywalker - Force Action
__ Obi-Wan Kenobi - Force Action
__ Clone Trooper Blaster
__ General Grievous Blaster
__ Rebel Trooper Blaster
__ Stormtrooper Blaster
__ 2007 Vintage Coin Set
__ Action Figure Base Pack
__ Toy Catalog
__ Tooth Tunes

Last updated 12/30/08. List maintained by Adam Lamping.