In 1996, Dark Horse released a two-issue series of comics that reprinted various tales from the old Marvel UK weekly series that were never available in North America. Creators include Alan Moore, Alan Davis, John Stokes, Steve Moore, Steve Parkhouse, and Adolfo Buylla. Covers were painted by Christopher Moeller. The stories reprinted in this series were as follows:
Issue #1:"Dark Lord's Conscience", "Dark Knight's Devilry", "The Flight of the Falcon", "Blind Fury"
Issue #2:"Rust Never Sleeps", "The Pandora Effect", "Tilotny Throws A Shape"
In 1995, a special one-shot comic The Vandelhelm Mission was released which reprinted Marvel Comics' Star Wars #98, by the award-winning team of Archie Goodwin and Al Williamson. With all the Al Williamson stories being published, it was a natural that this tale be presented again.