Star Wars Comic Strips

Year: 2006

Assortment: Mini-Busts

Retail: $55.00

Item Number: 6896

UPC Number: 4 582106 193795

Limited Edition: 1000

Comments: For much of the Galactic Civil War, a mysterious agent of Palpatine code-named Blackhole carefully sifted through countless streams of data, distilling it into useful information for Imperial Intelligence. Blackhole had an impressive amount of resources available to him, including an entire Star Destroyer and its complement of troops and fighters. Per his orders, the stormtroopers under his command had their armor cast in black to match his own particular eccentricities. The armor modification had practical benefits as well. The stygian-triprismatic polymer afforded the stormtroopers increased sensor-stealth.

Points of Interest:
  • This items was exclusive to a Blister Event in Tokyo.
  • Photography by Mark Hurray

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