Star Wars: Han Solo's Revenge
November 1979

Publisher: Del Rey
Author: Brian Daley
Cover Artist: Dean Ellis

Cover Price: unavailable
Media: Hardcover
ISBN: - 1st

Science Fiction Book Club Edition. No price or printing listed. Partial ISBN number (3670) listed on the jacket. According to the defunct, the SFBC Item Number is 036707.

Size is slightly smaller than the non-SFBC version at <>

Into the Death Tube

Han Solo drove his swoop into the weather station's giant emission cylinder. The pursuing craft hung back a moment, the followed.

"Stay gripped!" he called to the woman behind him, jockeying the swoop to face his enemies. They scattered, then dropped onto his tail again, ready to trap him at the cylinder's far end.

Han speeded up once more. The engine pod blared its power. The end of the emission cylinder was swinging, first revealing and then concealing meter-and-a-half wide openings in the gridwork as it moved. The opening Han had selected expanded before him as he drove toward it. There was terrible moment of doubt...then the gridwork passed him like a shadow, and they were in the open.

He took a quick look behind. Pieces of wreckage were raining slowly toward the ground; one of his pursuers had tried to emulate him and failed.

Original Printing
Star Wars: Han Solo's Revenge (paperback)
June, 1980; ISBN: 0-345-28840-8 - 1st

Other Printings
Star Wars: Han Solo's Revenge: From The Adventures of Luke Skywalker (hardcover)
November, 1979; ISBN: 0-345-28475-5 - 1st
Star Wars: Han Solo's Revenge (paperback)
October, 1980; ISBN: 0-345-28840-8 - 2nd
Star Wars: Han Solo's Revenge (paperback)
July, 1983; ISBN: 0-345-28840-8 - 8th
Classic Star Wars: Han Solo's Revenge: From The Adventures of Luke Skywalker (paperback)
October, 1997; ISBN: 0-345-28840-8 - 9th