Star Wars: Manga – Silver
October 2006
114ppg, $19.72

Illustrator: Yuji Kaida
Illustrator: Kia Asamiya
Writer, Illustrator: Hiromoto Sin-ichi
Writer, Illustrator: Hitoshi Ariga
Writer, Illustrator: Baron Ueda
Writer, Illustrator: Makoto Nakatsuka
Writer, Illustrator: Yasushi Nirasawa
Translator: Alexis Kirsch
English Adaption: Mad Science Media
Letterer: Lucas Rivera
Cover Layout: Christian Lownds
Editor: Rob Tokar

This manga comic was originally published in Japan, as detailed in this report on However, this version of the book was released approximately one year later in the United Kingdom.

As with all Japanese books, this title should be read right to left, unlike the other Star Wars TokyoPop books, which were translated to a more English format.

It is considered an Infinities title, meaning that the tales within lie outside of current canonical constraints.

The cost for this book was originally £9.99. It can be found on Amazon's UK site for order here.
This issue features two illustrations of Darth Vader by Yuji Kaida, and Kia Asamiya.

The stories include Perfect Evil part 2 (by Hiromoto-Sin-ichi), Oh!! Jawa Jawa (by Hitoshi Ariga), Star Wars Phantasmagoria (by Baron Ueda), Vader vs. Artoo & Threepio (by Makoto Nakatsuka), and Dark Jedi (by Yasushi Nirasawa).

Related Issues
Manga – Black

Trade Paperbacks and Alternate Covers
Star Wars: Silver (original Japanese cover) Star Wars: Silver (back cover) Star Wars: Silver (credits page)

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