We interrupt the regular series as the official comics adaptation of Star Wars: Return of the Jedi moves into its own four-issue limited series, rather than being published in the ongoing title. Facing off against Jabba the Hutt, Boba Fett, the Emperor, and Darth Vader, the Rebels finally claim victory at the Battle of Endor, old friends are reunited, and there is peace in the galaxy. Or is there...?
Back in the ongoing series, Han Solo is back! But...he's broke. In order to rectify that situation, the Corellian returns to Tatooine, where he faces off against bureaucratic red tape, thieving Jawas, and even Boba Fett! The series begins to wander a bit, as the spotlight shifts from character to character, although some subplots among the supporting characters continue, as Lando's impersonation of "Captain Drebble" returns to haunt him, Luke begins to gather a group of Jedi students, and Chewbacca visits Kashyyyk.
With issue #95, the galaxy faces a new threat with the Nagai, a pale-skined race of fierce warriors. Lumiya is revealed to be Shira Brie, an Imperial agent thought slain by Luke a few years earlier. Lumiya and the Nagai threaten the galaxy and it's up to Luke and company to stop them. The battle culminates in issue #100, where Han meets Fenn Shysa, who has come to the Rebellion alongside Han's childhood friend Bey. But Bey has a secret of his own, and it's not one that Han is eager to learn!
After a few issues of inane goofiness with the Hoojibs, Ewoks, Lahsbees/Huhks, and the Hiromi, the series comes to a close as our heroes face off against a new menace, but they of course prove victorious once again.
While the majority of these issues featured a number of guest artists, Cynthia Martin handled the art chores for a good run, right up until the final issue. Other contributors include Bob McLeod, Bret Blevins, Bill Sienkiewicz, Al Williamson, Kerry Gammil, Ken Steacy, and Whilce Portacio. One notable artist can be found in issue #92, as Jan Duursema first enters into the Star Wars universe, although it certainly won't be her last trip.
Presented below are the newsstand and direct market editions of the issues. Direct market issues are sold at comic and specialty stores.
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