In 1985, Marvel introduced EWOKS, a comic book series starring the lovable furry creatures from Star Wars: Return of the Jedi. Since the title was based on the cartoon series of the same name, it was released under the Star Comics line, a sub-line of comics that were aimed at a younger audience.

The bi-monthly series ran for more than two years, ending with issue #14. Of particular interest is issue #10, which was the second chapter in a crossover with the Star Comics series DROIDS, and and also featured the Marvel 25th Anniversary border artwork on the cover.

Several stories were also reprinted in Star Comics Magazine, a digest-sized paperback book that also included stories of other cartoon characters. In addition, there were several Marvel UK reprints plus two hardcover annuals that contained reprinted material, prose stories, and activities..

Star Comics EWOKS
Ewoks #1 Ewoks #2 Ewoks #3 Ewoks #4 Ewoks #5
Ewoks #6 Ewoks #7 Ewoks #8 Ewoks #9 Ewoks #10
Ewoks #11 Ewoks #12 Ewoks #13 Ewoks #14
Ewoks #1 Ewoks #2 Ewoks #3 Ewoks #4 Ewoks #5
Ewoks #6 Ewoks #7 Ewoks #8 Ewoks #9 Ewoks #10
Ewoks #11 Ewoks #12 Ewoks #13 Ewoks #14
Canadian Price Variants
Ewoks #1 Ewoks #2 Ewoks #4 Ewoks #5 Ewoks #6
Ewoks #7 Ewoks #8
EWOKS Reprints
Star Comics Magazine #1 Star Comics Magazine #2 Star Comics Magazine #3 Star Comics Magazine #5
Marvel UK EWOKS Reprints
Spidey Comic #661 (Ewoks reprints) Spidey Comic #662 (Ewoks reprints) Spidey Comic #663 (Ewoks reprints) Spidey Comic #664 (Ewoks reprints) Spidey Comic #665 (Ewoks reprints)
Spidey Comic #666 (Ewoks reprints) Star Wars Annual featuring Ewoks (1985) Ewoks Monthly #1 Ewoks Monthly #2 Ewoks Monthly #3
Ewoks Monthly #4 Ewoks Monthly #5 Ewoks Monthly #6 Ewoks Monthly #7 Ewoks Monthly #8
Ewoks Monthly #9 Ewoks Monthly #10 Ewoks Annual (1988)

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