Like the original, our replicas head and body are cast from high-quality resin. To ensure intricate detail and durability, many of the fine parts have been reproduced from injection-molded plastic. The legs are made from solid, high-strength thermo-plastics and die-cast metal for long term durability.
Each AT-AT replica is comprised of over 230 separate parts.
Comes with a custom display case, numbered plaque, and certificate of authenticity.
Includes an exclusively designed expanded prop story and AT-AT screen shot.
Limited Edition 1,000
Approximate model dimensions: 23 L x 9 W x 19 H; Display case measures approximately 27 L x 11 W x 21 H
The Empire maintains order by striking fear into its member star systems. Few weapons of mass destruction instill terror in an enemy more effectively than the fearsome All Terrain Armored Transport (AT-AT) or Imperial AT-AT. Exploiting its almost-unlimited resources, the Empire has produced a mobile weapons and troop deployment vehicle that is equally capable on almost any of the varied worlds spread throughout the galaxy.
To create the 19-inch high, articulated stop-motion models, the talented artisans of Industrial Light and Magic (ILM) built a master pattern, detailing it with hundreds of parts taken from model kits such as jet fighters, rockets, and tanks. This master was molded, and copies were cast in resin and assembled onto machined metal articulated skeletons. The resin and metal parts were attached using dozens of tiny screws. If you watch carefully, you will see that many of these screws are actually visible on the Imperial AT-ATs in the film!
Each Imperial AT-AT is meticulously hand painted to match the original color scheme used on the filming models. Key structural areas were also reinforced to ensure long-term stability. This was a critical detail that we felt was very important to protect the value of our investment.
The unpacking process detailed below