1 I was just looking at a scan of Wuher's lines for the commtech, and while there's nothing particularly surprising about the lines, there is something interesting about his interactions. "Interacts with R2-D2, C-3PO and Luke Skywalker." The only commtech C-3PO I'm aware of is Episode I, and I can't quite believe there will be interaction between the E1 and Classic figures. Is there a new commtech C-3PO in production? -Wyvern
As far as I know, there aren't plans for a Classic CommTech C-3PO, but more of the 2000 product line will be announced at Toy Fair in New York this month, so check back for the latest.
![]() 2 How many more Episode I rescuplts do you think Hasbro can/will do? -pete
Until people stop buying them, Hasbro will make them. So it doesn't pay to be a completist if you are sick of seeing Mauls.
![]() 3 I used to have a bootleg tape of the ROTJ scene of Yoda playing whack-a-mole (to which you referred in a previous QnA), but I think I lost it in a move or something. Do you know of any plans to release this officially (perhaps in 6 years or whenever it is they are putting the trilogy/trilogies on DVD--maybe this greatly deteriorated footage is the sole reason it is taking so long for the DVD release?) or, if not, do you know of anyone else out there with a copy not afraid to make a quick buck? I think this scene is by far one of the most pivotal in the Star Wars saga (I'm not sure why I feel the need to state the obvious there) and would be willing to dish out large sums of money to obtain another copy. Thanks for your time. -Derek
Well, as you know, LucasFilm is planning for a rerelease of the Trilogy later this year, or at least a variety of people seem to think so. In the US, there's really no room for the footage as most rumblings hint to no DVD or LD in the US this year, but Pioneer is releasing a TPM LD in Japan. Since odds are there will be Trilogy reissues as well, the scene would have to be there... unless it conflicts with Lucas' original vision of moles being very small wookiees.
Probably just you. Same actor, same "theme" music played when Emperor Palpy and Sidious are on screen, and the fact that I think Lucas went out of his way to make it obvious. Making them different people could be the twist to quirk people's attention around Episode 2, but hey, who knows? Everything I've seen would have me think it's supposed to be the same guy.
![]() 5 Do you know what has happened to the Jabba's Beast Pack with Pod Race Announcer? I have never seen it in stores. Was it ever shipped in large quantities? If so, is it still shipping in large quantities? Or has it been discontinued by Hasbro? -John
Don't quote me on this, but it MIGHT ship with
Qui-Gon and the Eopie. I don't have anything to back that up, but it'd
make sense. If it doesn't ship there, it's time to call on the Fan
Club. :)
I've seen one of these, period. It was in a beat box in a Wal-Mart
pool toys aisle. It's nifty, but not the neatest thing since the
Dewback. Actually, people really hated it until it became hard to
find, which is an interesting quirk in this hobby-- if it sucks,
shortpack it. The buyers will come.
You've jumped to many a conclusion, allow me to set ya straight:
1. R2-D2. Hasbro says it's still shipping, apparently there was an official announcement saying there was a production delay posted by Hasbro sometime in the past week. I missed this if it exists. Other info says he'll be shipping for some time, but not in full cases like some are saying. Plus there's the Fan Club... he won't be some ultra-rare toy from what I've been hearing. But weird things happen in toy lines, if the phrase "Robin Dragster" rings a bell you know what I mean.
2. Target exclusives. While I have yet to hear the pair confirmed as 100% exclusive to Target, not as many people are clamoring as you might think. Most of us wanted NEW vehicles, not what we bought in 1990 with new paint. I doubt they'll be hard to find, and there's always Target's website and people nice enough to offer them at cost and shipping. It's rare, but it happens.
3. Wuher. When EVER has a single figure from the fan club been $20? I think the record high for a figure was the Oola/Crumb set at $12 or so, which is pretty reasonable considering it's a pretty nice packaging job with two very nicely done figures. He might be $10-$12, which is expensive (especially after shipping), but it's not that bad compared to never seeing this figure.
Most signs point to yes. Our preview list has him on Collection 2, and unless something has changed, he'll still be Collection 2.
Just an alternate name for the same toy... nothing worth remembering other than as another footnote in the development of a toy line.
I never thought about it before, now that you mention it. Most likely because it'd add cost and an easily lost part to a figure where the problem need not exist. I've always wanted to see an "ultimate" Chewie with a really awesome sculpt, a removable bandolier would be cool if it didn't add too much to the price of the figure.
There are a ton of deleted scenes, many of which the fanbase already knows about, and none of which (from what I know) are planned to be released before the DVD in 2525.
One of the scenes focuses on-- oh, and if you don't want to know this, stop reading because I don't take kindly to people who gripe about hearing this stuff "early"-- Obi-Wan's getting his Lightsaber wet and it fizzles out... which is why we see him running around Naboo's swamplands being chased by a STAP and Qui-Gon has to save him.
Another one which I'm sure EVERYBODY knows about by now has R2-D2 falling off of a platform on Coruscant, and he saves himself with his swiss-army-booster-rockets. Don't leave Tatooine without 'em.
The other scene that has gotten siginificant online press is the skirmish between Anakin and Greedo-- either the Greedo or just "a" Greedo-- after the Podrace. Basically Anakin starts beating on this guy and Qui-Gon has to pull him off. There's more to it than that, but it sounds a lot cooler when it's condensed.
Sites like TheForce.Net and T-Bone Fender's Starwarz.com have had more information on cut footage, as have a few magazines. Keep an eye open, because odds are it's going to be a while before all of this stuff gets released.