Now with twice the bran!

1 Hey, whatever happened to the second wave of accessory packs from esisode 1? I havent seen them advertised anywhere or in any retail store. -JoeKersav
A good question, unfortunately, I'm in the same boat. I have yet to find an answer on this... if any Hasbro folk or Fan Club people out there know the answer (or can change it so we can get these), please write in and let us know!
![]() 2 Is there actually a possibility of Hasbro offering a subscription service? -Jax2426
It's possible, but it's such a drastic change in how marketing toys is done that I have serious doubts it'd actually happen. It's something I've been mentioning for a while, as have others, but I think they'd have a hard time signing up enough people to make it worthwhile unless every figure was just perfect.
![]() 3 Do you have any idea if we will ever get any new packaging on the hasbro toys? If so, can you discuss it in 'Q & A'. -Michael
Sure thing. Nothing is definite yet, but from the looks of the rumor mill on other Hasbro brands, new packaging isn't something I'd rule out. I wouldn't confirm it either, but hey, it'd be nice to see something other than that dismal sea of red.
Well, I know you've got one. It's the first I've
heard of that specific variation, but similar ones exist for Ree-Yees'
arms (original, mind you) and dozens of other figures. Truth be told,
there's hundreds (if not thousands) of variations out there for original
figures, and they aren't as widely scrutinized as POTF2. If nutty
variations are your thing, vintage is the way to go... plus some of 'em
will keep your storage space from being eaten up so quickly. (Which is
really the only good thing about an expensive hobby.)
![]() 5 What unannounced item would most surprise you to see Hasbro/Kenner announce at Toy Fair? -Jeff
After seeing some of the most obscure characters ever in plastic, and after seeing figures called "new" with a new helmet, I don't think Hasbro can surprise me at this point. But I'd be pretty stoked to see an all-new Boba Fett.
Now that you mention it...
I've seen them in comic stores, and at eToys and a few other places. But I still don't have 'em and haven't seen 'em in stores. Entertainment Earth has 'em in a case, and I think they're due to hit stores again pretty soon.
This is one of those times where I can say with no argument that Hasbro got lazy.
The original A-Wing from the Droids line (1985, if I'm not mistaken) is
virtually identical in appearance, and it has a compartment for
batteries that allow it to make some noises. They didn't bother to
alter the mold for POTF2 much for whatever reason, so we're left with a
pretty weird error. (This, folks, is why I'm always against reissuing
old toys. Not "new" old toys like anything from POTF2, mind you, but
10+ year old stuff. Because I still wanna see a reissue of the
Animated Batman Penguin because, like an idiot, I passed on it when it
first hit.)
He really, really, really sucks.
I'm not just saying that, either. In the history of lame toys, this
goes right up there with previous winners as the Cruisemissile Trooper.
Why? The cannon is pretty small, but there's nothing wrong with a
small toy. Jar Jar, on the other hand, has a pretty lousy paint job
compared to the first issue, which wasn't all that bad. The real
reason it just makes me want to buy something else: no articulation from
the waist down. None. At all. And this set costs ten bucks. I
miss the Speeder Bikes already...
Hasbro has said, on many occasions (to my dismay)
that there are no plans to sell a set. I have a set, but it kinda
sucks that not many people were stupid enough to crack open that $5 FF
US Weequay just for the frame... just me.
As far as rarity goes, well, Weequay. He's the tough one. As far as
the rest, well, since they keep surfacing it's hard to say.
While Hasbro's exact plans regarding Episode One is unknown, it is very likely that they will be producing toys for it not only until Episode Two, but beyond. While there are not many main characters to produce, there are countless aliens and background creatures (and let's not forget all the great droids) to produce as well. And, of course, there's the resculps. Sooooo many resculpts. (But if Hasbro wants to do some droid repaints & resculpts, I'm all ears.)
![]() 2 Will Hasbro release a lifesize scale version of Obi-Wans lightsaber with all the sound effects, light and great detail similar to the ones they did for Qui-Gon and Darth Maul? -Jason
Yup. Some advance samples have shown up in collectible shops in Europe and Asia, the wide release of the E1 Kenobi saber should be out in the not-too-distant future.
![]() 3 Did we ever get the origin of the Japanese 2-pack of "Spirit" figures? I hear about them, but nobody ever seems to have photos. They were bootlegs after all, right? -brant
Joe Leung's awesome (defunct) Star Wars page had pics of Japanese custom Spirits at some point in 1997 which, if I recall correctly, are identical to the "Japanese Fan Club" ones. If these are the same thing (and I believe they are), they came from a hobbyist in Japan who does some really great work. Never did get a name, though.
A Star Wars cartoon would be a sure-fire boost to
the toy line's sales. After all, it works for lots of lines...
constant exposure never hurts. While I've been waxing on this topic
for a while, nothing out of LFL has surfaced about actually doing it.
I'd love to see it happen (and submit a script, hehe). A "Tales from
the Star Wars Universe" show has been mentioned by a lot of fans,
basically take the format of the short story collections and make it a
series. Heck, do a Rancor Keeper's tale, do us all a favor. :)
![]() 5 I've seen Aurra Sing everywhere! She even has her own comic! It wouldn't surprise me if Hasbro makes her into an action figure. My question, Where does she appear in TPM? My guess is Tatooine, but I don't know what scene she appears in. -Lenny
In the Hasbro Q&A, Jen pretty much came out and said Aurra's going to see plastic. She appears in the Pod Race sequence, out of the way in a pretty quiet scene on the right hand side of the screen. I missed her the first time myself. Here's hoping we get pics at Toy Fair.
I would say the line has no future. E1 didn't sell well, even the FAO exclusives didn't do killer business. It's a great looking line, easily the best sculpts out of Hasbro, but it's best left dead or as some form of exclusive.
Obi-Wan is not an exclusive. He's not even available yet, contrary to what some are reporting.
Wuher... well, let's say this: I don't know. Some reports say yes, he is a bona-fide 100% nonfat Insider exclusive. Others say they have an exclusive window to sell the figure, and he'll be in the assortments later. All I know is, it's Wuher, I've been begging Jen for one for as long as I can remember, and I already ordered mine. And if you REALLY want one, I'd reccomend you do the same, because it would make sense to pack him at one-per-case if he ever hits stores.
Someone asked me once if their POTF2 Yoda that was looking to the right in the package was a variation. Like this, I'd say not really. Well, I guess it could be, but does anyone even care for the regular release of this figure? I LOVE classic stuff and I passed on it.
I saw when it first hit-- as in with the blue number sticker-- ripped it open, and there's no rope. I got a few later, no rope. So basically, if you want a rope, you're going to have to break in to Ma's sewing kit and get some thread.
In my many hours clocked into the mines of toy aisles everywhere, I have never, not once seen one in a store or in person with the E1 logo on the card. But Philip has one in the Fandom Menace photo archive, so I have to say it's real.