There's a car horn outside my apartment and it WON'T STOP and it's been going uninterrupted for almost 20 minutes!!!

1 Besides Luke,Jabba's diorama Han and Chewey as Boushes bounty,who else belongs on that [new Target exclusive] skiff?I know there were two weequays and two skiffs flying around.I don't want to watch Jedi again cause I have to work tomorrow. -ABarra9721
Congratulations! You are the laziest reader I've ever had! So I suppose a good prize would be a relatively nice, straightforward answer. I can give you an answer.
Had you gone through the extreme difficulty of watching about four
minutes of video on a film you probably know by heart, you would know
that pretty much any Skiff Guard would work. How can you tell a Skiff
Guard? Well, this is tricky, but many of them say "Skiff Guard"
somewhere on the package. For example, there's a Lando Skiff Guard.
You can tell he's a Skiff Guard because of his name. (No, not "Lando."
The other part.) There's also a Skiff Guards Cinemascene. You can
tell they're Skiff Guards because it says it on the box. There's also a chunk of the Skiff pictured. There's also a Weequay Skiff Guard, but you already knew about him.
("Don't wanna watch Jedi again cause you have to work"... oh, please. I'm sure you could've watched that part of the film in the amount of time it took you to find my email address and type up that note.)
So this question isn't a total loss to everybody out there, Pote Snitkin could also pilot a Skiff. Does he fit? That I don't know since I don't have mine handy.
![]() 2 Adam, what kind of things are people doing to display their figures, carded and opened? My cardboard box doesn't really show them off too well. -Chris
This one gets asked a lot, but since it's a good one, what the heck.
Out of most of the solutions I've seen, the one I tend to plug the most is the wall-mounted display case from P & P Products. It holds POTF2 or vintage figures, unpackaged, and is availble with removable display stands that can hold either line of action figure. It's slick, it's purty, and it's sturdy.
Shelves are your friends. Some simple shelving units could also be
good. Of course, you'll need stands. My favorite stands for
individual figures are the black discs from US Forces, which I believe were
available a while before the clear Real Stands. The US Forces stands
have one peg per stand, and are pretty cheap. P&P also sells stands,
which are longer and hold between 6 and 12 figures comfortably on each
one. Depending on if you're going for more of a
classic cardback line-up or a more diorama-ish setting, each stand has
its own merits.
As far as carded figures go, a lot of people buy Star Cases or an
equivalent. These are some sort of clear plastic box or clamshell
device that will typically cost between $3 and $10-$15 for the
higher-grade stuff. I do not reccomend these because many POTF2 era
figures are worth less than $3. However, this sort of thing is
a must for vintage, autographed, or some otherwise unique figures (Tan
Jedi Lukes, mispainted figures, etc.) Then again, if you're so
concerned about protecting your rare investment like nearly 150,000
other collectors, don't let me talk you out of it. What do I know?
Also popular: one blank wall, and a ton of push pins. Hang those
carded puppies up! Since we have yet to see a yellow bubble POTF2
figure, I can't tell you if that will be a concern... but I do know that
it doesn't take too much for a cardback to fade when exposed to
sunlight. So keep that in mind.
![]() 3 I picked up a Boba Fett for cheap the other day at TRU, and couldn't believe how different it was from my other one: different leg posture (my old one had straight legs, new one has bent knees), better paint on the body and rocket pack, etc. Is one by any chance more rare? (and i don't mean valuable money-wise--i know u hate those questions--i just mean more hard to find). The leg difference esp. puzzles me: do they actually have more than one molding? You would think they would be uniform across the board... -Paul
There are different postures in the different Boba Fetts. The individually carded one (available on orange, green, and Freeze Frame cards) has slightly bent knees. The Shadows of the Empire 2-pack one is typically described as being more bland, has straight legs, and the deco is closer to that in ESB. The Deluxe figure (sans accessories) is very similar to the individual one in deco, but closer to the SOTE one in terms of sculpt.
It sounds to me like your old one is the one that came with IG-88 in the Shadows of the Empire 2-pack.
BoShek sucks, get over it. (So does Dannik Jerriko... who in their right mind is voting for him over... cripes, ANYTHING? C'mon, give me a friggin' J'Quille or Amanaman or something other than another lame-as-white-toast human "alien" figure.)
![]() 5 Did the Dark Empire Luke Skywalker figure have a removable right hand? -Todd
Sure does. Just like Bespin Luke's.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but no changes were made to the Luke head design. The E1 Obi-Wan just happens to use the same design.
Since no images of Sabe labelled "exclusive" have surfaced yet, well, we don't really know exactly what she'll be. Here's some Sabe Newsbites to keep ya interested.
A few days ago, we got an email from a game retailler informing us that Sabe will be packaged a new Wizards of the Coast Star Wars game. (If I didn't accidentially delete the email, I'd be able to say if it was the RPG or something else.)
One Sabe figure has surfaced-- images first showed up at Tomy's booth in
the Japanese Toy Fair (as Tomy distributes most SW Hasbro stuff in
Japan. Along with Zoids, which nobody distributes here because America
sucks.) The figure was in the outfit from the point in TPM where
everybody tromps down to the Gungan Sacred Place and Padme reveals she's
actually the Queen. Sabe is the decoy Queen, which is one of the
neater outfits in the film. I am under the impression that this figure
is NOT an exclusive, meaning that there are still many possibilities for what the exclusive figure will be. (Black Travel Gown? Heck if I know.)
So... I wonder who's gonna be the first "funny guy" to email me about how I spoiled the movie for them...
I think Boba Fett is Boba Fett. I'm really hoping Lucas doesn't pull a "Beast Machines" (yes, I watch the show) and make Boba Fett be Aurra Sing or something.
Before this sentence started, some people are were starting to type me a letter saying "Boba's really Jaster Mareel, from Concord Dawn, you idiot." (True story. If I didn't write that, I would've gotten no less than 50 emails like that.) This comes from information from the myriad short story collections, which are nothing more than typical Expanded Universe stuff. While it's entirely possible Lucas could build off of those situations, don't bet on it.
Personally? Exclusives are good if and only if there is no possible way for an item to see distribution.
I want, for example, the 12" Hantaun. (And I got one a while ago-- thanks again go out to Ron & Kevin, you guys rock.) Now, there's flat-out no way to convince stores to carry a 12" Beast Assortment, but it is possible a store might carry just one item for around $50 for a short period. This beats not seeing it.
I think the exclusive problem is not nearly as bad as many make it out
to be. I know for a FACT that many collectors are just lazy whiners
who go to one Target and call it quits. (Not you guys though.) At
the same time, there are some regions which just get shafted when it
comes to this stuff... but it's pretty rare. Most people had no
problem getting their Skiff, or Skiffs, but some did. And for them,
there's eBay, or the much more... well, not friendly... Usenet. (Fair?
That's a good word.)
Traditionally, exclusives are always made in such big numbers, they get
marked down. It's only fairly recently that the idea of limiting them
came into fashion. (I blame the stereotypical comic book collecting
mentality. Which is now better known as the stereotypical toy
collecting mentality.) That's the way I think it should be... so much
of the stuff that not only can you get one or two, but you can pick up
extras to trade for the ones you can't find.
What it all boils down to is teamwork and helpfullness. You can help
by offering stuff like exclusives at cost & shipping rather than placing
them on eBay... and Toy Karma will be good to you some day.
I finally got a good answer to this one.
To avoid problems with kids impaling themselves on the toy, Galoob made
it so it cannot stand on its "butt," for lack of a convinient euphamism
for that part of the ship. Apparently Galoob was concerned little
Johnny would impale the nose through himself... strange, yes, but
Well, I gotta say, you've made my point exactly. :) I can
understanding having him on a list of potential "wants", but I gotta say
I'm baffled at some of the choices being petitioned for these days.
Wedge I understand-- Wedge is hardcore. Wuher makes sense, as we have
a bar and no one to tend said bar. Porkins... well, Porkins is
distinctive and we haven't had a regular carded rebel pilot since Biggs.
So I get that.
But BoShek? Dannik Jerriko? I LOVE obscure aliens and droids, and
they're the reason I like Star Wars so durned much (and what a
coincidence, I've been making fun of the line and there aren't many
aliens or droids this year. :) ) Since Hasbro's gonna make pretty much
everything eventually anyway, it's not that big a deal, of
course, but I have to say I'll be genuinely surprised to see Dannik
Jerriko in plastic anytime soon. Yes, there was a story... but I'm
willing to bet the bulk of collectors have never read it. I have, and
I didn't care for it much, especially compared to the other stories in
the Tales from the Cantina.
![]() 2 hey, Adam, beyond the Falcon and 2 Trade Federation tanks this summer, are there any new Star Wars Lego sets being released before year's end? it seems like there should be more than what's announced/showed up at Toyfair '00. -Josh
Lego traditionally shows most of its pre-summer
product in catalogs or somewhere a few months before the year of the
line (i.e., we saw 2000 stuff in late '99).
More products are unveiled throughout the year. For instance, last
year's line. We saw Star Wars pictures starting late 1998 (except for
Episode One), and Episode One was revealed around May.
That's usually pretty typical for the line. While not all the new Lego
sets have been seen yet (or at least I haven't seen any pics of the
Dinosaurs Adventurers sets), it's a pretty safe bet we've seen about all
we're gonna see for Star Wars in 2000. I mean, we've still got three
HUGE sets (Falcon, X-Wing, TIE Interceptor), a Pod Racer bucket, and the
aforementioned tanks on the way... that's a pretty solid line-up. I'm
probably forgetting something as well. Lego (unlike most toy
companies) rarely surprises the toy community, we usually know what's
coming months in advance... so if there was gonna be more stuff, you'd
read about it on Rebelscum, Yakface, or elsewhere.
And while we're on the subject...
I goofed last time-- turns out they did change Luke's head in the 2000
sets to have different eyebrows and a slightly different composition.
Ummm... yeah. As the kids say, "I'm sorry, my bad."
![]() 3 Hi Adam! What are the chances of Hasbro producing card backs for the new action figures that have pictures of all of the available figures on the back like the vintage Star Wars line? -Clint
Unless one of us buys out Hasbro and changes it ourselves, none. I agree, I'd like to see an old style cardback (heck, even if just on an exclusive figure), but we've been asking Hasbro for this since they stopped adding showing all the figures on the backs in 1996. I wouldn't hold my breath at this point... I mean, we asked for this and Tarkin and Slave Leia, and we got the better two of the three, I'd say.
But yeah, it'd be nice to see Hasbro package, say, an exclusive voted on by fans of an as-of-yet-unproduced character (from classic and POTF2) in a totally retro style. (Oh: Subtle plans are here again.)
The only other one that saw production was the Stormtrooper. A TIE Fighter Pilot got real close, though. These items are really spiffy, and they seem to be popping up rather randomly online. So if you want them, basically all you can do is keep looking around and checking the news sites.
![]() 5 Who decides what stores get which exclusives? Isn't it unfair that Target should get the skiff and y-wing? -Ross
Star Wars collecting fair? Since when?
Exclusives-- depending on the line-- can be determined by a variety of sources. Usually what happens is some products are made, stores are brought in, and they're told "OK, so go 'head and pick out a couple." That's how some stores get exclusives. Others, like the Fan Club, might lobby for a character (or a rejected by retail product) as an exclusive.
Ships are pretty much dead weight in POTF2 today, rehashed ships are about as exciting as mud. The Skiff turned out incredible for the price (don't get me wrong), but eh. This stuff could be so much cooler... it makes sense that it's only an exclusive because some of the larget chains just don't want to get stuck with more unsold Star Wars products.
Considering fan reaction to Episode One, I have my doubts he'd want to be doing too much more with Star Wars... it's a story where one can do no right. If he does more, he risks testing fans' patience, but if he doesn't, the Star Wars brand name will probably tank and tank quickly. Another ROJ situation doesn't sound pretty. But I'm sure if George finds a really good story and a whole mess of time to work with, he'd do it.
However since it seems he doesn't really have a story he wants to tell, I doubt he'd do it. And I don't blame him, it's his baby after all. (However, if he's looking for ideas...)
Unless it's "mint WITH card", something that seems to be popular with certain toy lines that shall remain nameless. Some people think it's still worth a whole mess of money if it's taped, reglued, or stapled to the card...
But yeah, a Luke Jedi with no package is just a Luke Jedi.
Skafish's new dance craze. Quite possibly "Sign of the Cross."
Do I ever!
__ Luke Skywalker (Jedi Knight) [POTF2 card]
__ Luke Skywalker (Jedi Knight) [FAO Exclusive 12", non-glow saber, cloak included]
And on the "technically" front, there's two Endor Lukes and the Dark Empire Luke from Expanded universe. Plus the vintage one in all his variation filled glory.
Good question.
The C-3PO that most people directed me to was actually just TC-14 in an environment that gave her the illusion of being everybody's second favorite protocol droid. While new C-3POs are rumored to be in production, no images or confirmations have been mentioned yet.