Featuring all three ways to tell someone about their BO problems

1 I have a few questions regarding the Boba Fett 300th figure and another figure. First, will the Boba Fett figure be an exclusive or will it be made available to all stores? Second, since it is in a special box rather than on a card, is there any word if it will have a higher price compared to the other figures? Also, could you please tell me if Hasbro is still going to release the Sabe figure? And if so, will it be an exclusive or will it be made available to all stores? -Marinus
Sabe has been postponed along with Shmi, 2001 doesn't sound too unlikely for a release.
As far as Boba Fett, well, yeah, it's in a box for the same reason I don't work on Labor Day, I guess. It is not an exclusive, and it will be available all over. It costs $10-$14, and yes, it is well worth it.
![]() 2 First, do Holo Sidious's arms and head use the same mold as the first carded Sidious? Also, is Sith Lord Maul as articulated as the first Maul? -Jose
If Holo Sidious' arms and head aren't the same, they are quite similar. I didn't notice much of a difference aside from the materials they came in. Sith Lord Maul has the traditional six points of articulation... the first has 10.
![]() 3 How much time is left in the Hasbro website's poll? AMANAMAN IS WINNING!!! Yay! -Brian
The poll was hacked over the weekend-- I checked it (coincidentally) before it happened. Over 30,000 votes were tallied in one night.
50,000 pieces-- if not more-- are sitting in a warehouse in the pacific northwest. With one in each case. Since it would cost Hasbro a lot to cut open and re-pack the cases and no stores want them as is, they could be sitting there for a while. So I'd say it's (as always) up to you.
![]() 5 Do you have to have a membership to the fanclub to order from it, or can you just buy directly from the Insider? -OGWAMO2
I've never heard non-members being turned away from buying stuff in a loooooong time.
Actually, Weequay was one of the first ROJ figures, or at least in the first big batch in the toy catalog. Lots of ROJ figures have plastic similar to that on POTF2 bubbles, causing them to yellow. Many of them have turned yellow, but not all of Weequays have suffered this affliction.
The bulk of the emails, opinions, and conversations I've overheard have pretty much said exactly what you wrote. The Obi-Wan just looks tacked on due to the clashing styles... we've got a near photo-realistic Vader helmet, and an obviously drawn Jedi flying in front of him (because no such photos were available, I've found out.) We'll probably be stuck with it until 2002, but it could be worse. We could be paying the same price for it as we did for E1.
As far as the name goes, most of you seemed happy with it. Personally, I wish it could've been different-er, but hey, that's me. The Force Files are a great addition, and aside from asking for more EU-style pop-up backgrounds, I couldn't think of a better promo in POTF2. Good stuff all around, here.
I actually looked at the poll several times last week, and I did see there was a 30,000 vote jump on one day. So the poll was hacked or flooded, and Duro is coming out first. This does not mean Amanaman is not coming out ever, just not necessarily in 2001.
I love low prices. I make practically nothing, so this is a big plus in my book. The new packaging is very dynamic and vibrant, so I like it. The new Fett rocks. I got to see it up close and personal, and I gotta say, it makes everything else Hasbro has done look bad. Even though it costs more, it looks like it's gonna be worth it.
Well, there's some soft goods for the skirts, and there's some action features, but there's not much else. They look like they could be a lot of fun for the roughly $10 price tag.
Other than the two we showed on our Plano page, a Destroyer Droid is due out later, and yes, it transforms. Qui-Gon seems to have been cancelled, however, there are some classic characters being considered for this scale.
Poster putty always works well.
Will there be Episode II Flashback figs? -Vern
Heck if I know. E2's not due until 2002, at this point, I only know a little bit about some of the 2001 releases.
![]() 2 Adam, I am confused. Could you answer a few questions for me?
1. What figures are going to be packaged with the new POTJ packaging?
1. All figures that are not released as of today will be released in POTJ packaging. This means starting September, you better get used to seeing all new figures on the vibrant green color because red, she's goin' away. There are no plans to reissue any figures from before the September waves on the new packaging.
2. See above. While there are several figures that fans are having difficulty finding (lord knows I called in the favor brigade on most of the 2000 product), there are just no plans to do any reissuing stuff.
3. These figures are sitting in warehouses in the pacific northwest.
They were made, just relatively unseen. I've seen Motti & Vader & Leia
& the Stormtrooper on pegs once, with one each. Never saw R2-D2.
These figures aren't "rare", but due to bad assortments (or high
quantities paired with bad assortments), retaillers ordered very few of
the cases with 2000 product, and as always, we're getting the bad end of
the deal (along with Hasbro having to store something like 100,000 cases
of product in a giant building.) At this point, your hope lies on the {spit} secondary market, e-taillers selling cases like one of our sponsors, or the luck of the draw at retail (Wal-Marts are good) or the almighty clearance bins.
![]() 3 With the classic Action Fleet vehicles and Battle Packs I have noticed that the Star Wars emblem on the stand has been 3 different colors, Silver, Gold, and Black. Which color came first and at what assortment did they shift to the next color? Also, a friend of mine claims to have seen an Action Fleet vehicle two pack, similar to the Toys R Us two packs, where the entire vehicle is silver or pewter looking. Was anything like that ever produced? -Jason
Hey, all right, for once buying all this stuff on the first run will pay off!
The silver lettering started with the first batch in late 1995. This continued until gold lettering was introduced around the Special Editions era, around 1997-- the first gold ones (and I might be wrong, some of my stands were blocked) were the Cloud Car/B-Wing assortments. Shortly after that, everything came with unpainted stands.
There is a Japanese exclusive 2-pack with an X-Wing and Vader's TIE that was painted up in silvery pewter-ish paint. It's pretty slick, never did find one myself, but at least two collector associates have them.
Well, when it comes to cases like this, it's best to say this: life is a terminal illness. These items are going to degrade eventually. While keeping them in boxes in a basement might keep them around longer than you, what fun is a collectible or toy you can never see?
It's possible that these were made from good stock that'll last a good long time. It's also possible that the glue could degrade and the bubble will fall off. While I would never display something as cool as vintage carded figures in any out-of-the-home offices, well, it's none of my business. Just keep 'em out of direct light if at all possible, and remember: they can't last forever.
![]() 5 I am sure you get bombarded with dozens of questions like this every day so I will keep this one short. Has the Fan Club announced any plans to save the collectors from scalpers and eBay? Are there any plans to sell Watto's Box, Stormtroopers, R2s w/Leia, Vader, etc as any kind of package much like the DS Trooper and Ree Yees? If you haven't heard anything yet, where can we direct our concerns? -Adam
Both Hasbro and the Fan Club are aware that many fans have never had the
opportunity to purchase (or in many cases, have never seen) these
products as well as Motti, Swamp Jar Jar, and so forth. It's possible
these could show up at a club, but it's more likely that smaller
retaillers like DNS Toys or clearance bins will score you the goods.
Pretty much every figure released this year has yet to achieve pegwarmer
status, so I'd assume we'd see at least a few more shipments of these
guys somewhere before they dry up.
Would you really? It's cool, but I have gotten a lot of complaints on this figure already. People say it's too expensive, and that it sucks because it's not on a regular card. And others love it. A $10 price on these figures is too extreme, and upcoming figures like Mas Amedda look great at the $6 price point.
Unfortunately, this is a hobby where there is such a variety of tastes that it is simply not possible to please everybody. This one figure turned out great, and depending on sales, maybe they'll consider a special 400th figure. Hi-grade toys, however, seems unlikely since Hasbro has typically been kid-friendly on the design of most of its product. (Not distribution, mind you, but product.)
Are they referring to the foot holes on the bottom of the foot or what?
I am not to clear on the meanings here. Are there any pictures to see
the difference. I am curious on which one I have.
There's a peg in the side of the feet that hold them in place... there's a good picture in our photo archive that explains things much better than I could attempt to verbalize.
2)We keep hearing about upcoming POTF and E1 merchandise from Hasbro. What
about the smaller Galoob stuff? Is there any news of future product (E1
or classic) due out later this year?
I'm pretty sure most of those were made (saw a few for the first time this past weekend), but not in big numbers.
At this time, I am not aware of any (and I mean ANY) Micro Star Wars development.
I liked it, for the most part. Heck, I even penned an article for them
last year. I don't think it's reduced interest that killed it so much
as it was the fact that it couldn't keep up. Before, the magazine
(then just Star Wars Galaxy) relied on top-notch content that, more
often than not, never seemed dated. Now, it's more oriented toward
news, which is very difficult in an industry where the fans have their
own news networks and as cool as the magazine was, most of the people I
know who buy toy mags buy them for the freshest, newest pictures and info... which, sadly, isn't what SWGM would've delivered in either incarnation anymore.
In a perfect world, we'd still be getting promo cards with every issue, serialized comics every time, a poster, and some great feature articles with tons of original artwork four times a year. Unfortunately, it was not meant to be, and with the Collector magazine now dead, the great Topps publishing arm seems to be out of Star Wars. Which is a real shame, those were some great magazines proving once and for all that print's death is greatly exaggerated.
More or less-- a Princess Leia in Hoth Outfit was added to Collection 3 and the Ponda Baba Freeze Frame was never released. Some people will insist to you it was released. These people are full of crap, and you've got my permission to let them know this.