Four weeks of assorted rambline, and counting!

1 I was wondering if you had any suggestions on the amount of Legos in the Target Lego Yoda. -Ashley
42. It's the answer to everything.
![]() 2 I was wondering when is Adi Galia Act. Figure Coming out. -Peter According to Hasbro's literature, most likely Fall. The figure is not yet available, so if someone online is trying to sell you one, I'd be suspicious, at least for now.
![]() 3 I have a few opened Star Wars figures that are beginning to "yellow". The plastic on them was bright white when I first got them but figures like Princess Leia(aka monkey face Leia), and Luke Skywalker from the first wave in 1995 have noticeably become more yellow than white.
Is there a way to bring back the white color the figures originally had?
What causes them to do this? I have thought that sunlight, dust, and
indoor lighting may be the causes of "yellowing". Am I
right? Well... good question. First and foremost, blame tobacco. Smoking kills toys... I've seen people bring collections of near-mint and boxed toys from the late 1970s to sell, and everything was yellow. The people claimed to keep them all in a dark room... yet there was a definite odor of smoke on the toys. Stormtroopers, X-Wings, everything just looked (and smelled) pretty awful. I've never seen a Stormtrooper that resembled a crayon that much before this. If you plan to collect toys, give up smoking-- you can use that $53 a week on toys, and your stash won't be damaged over time. Second, yes, sunlight does nasty things to toys. I was talking with HFSolo from Yakface last year, after I noticed the lightsaber from my Removable Helmet Darth Vader began to lose the pigment from its Lightsaber. (Of course, another friend of mine has one that's perfectly clear, but that's another story.) Sunlight can turn figures (and the clear parts of their packaging) yellow over time, as can some artificial lights. I've read a lot on the subject, but nothing seems to have a perfect answer outside living in a makeshift cave... which more or less describes where my toys are. As far as cleaning goes, well, this is something I need to start with we at Rebelscum assume no responsibility for any damage done to your toys or anything stupid Adam reccomends. The first thing to remember is that the toy itself is almost always yellow, not just a layer of plastic that can be scraped off. Some people have said they've bleached the yellow out, others sanded it, but let's face it: your best bet is just painting it, or wearing yellow tinted glasses so you won't know the difference. And that might look nasty. Like most things, prevention is the best remedy for yellowing action figures, just keep them out of the light as much as you can and don't smoke, and you should be cool-- for the most part. Some plastics just turn yellow with age... it's hard to tell.
![]() 4 how did Obi-Wan manage to disapear when struck by Vader?How come Qui-Gon did'nt? when Yoda died he disapeared but Vader's body did'nt. what gives? -Mike This is something that hasn't been touched upon by Lucas yet, but I'm sure we'll see an answer when/if Qui-Gon appears as a spirit in Episode II. My hunch is that Yoda and Obi-Wan willed themselves out of existence right before they actually "died" and Qui-Gon was, and pardon the pun, struck by surprise. Now, as far as Darth Vader goes... we never actually see the body after death-- just the armor. He might have disappeared, but maybe not. Vader's eyes closed, then we see Luke, and the next cut back to Vader's body is just the armor... we don't know what's in there.
![]() 5 Why is Hasbro making so much of those [durn] Luke Skywalkers in desert clothes? There are like ten of those now with the most recent one being Luke Skywalker with new hat. This is turning into a Barbie collection. -Chris Barbie? I would've said Malibu Stacy from the Simpsons was the ultimate example. "...but she's got a new hat!!!" The thing I don't get is that almost all of these Lukes sell, but Hasbro makes a new one before the demand for the previous model has been met. I mean, a lot of you out there still want Blast Shield Luke, and I'm sure Hasbro could sell another 15,000 units in a heartbeat... but alas, the Batman syndrome has forever changed the market. Besides, most people want a new Jedi Luke... at least one more is coming out in the Tatooine Skiff in the year 2000.
![]() 6 OK, First thing, what is the chance they'll make another Droid workshop? I love droids, and I want as many as I can get! -John I dig droids too, but I doubt Hasbro will release a new version of its classic Droid Factory toy. I, too, hope to see a lot of new Droids in the future, perhaps even the Death Star Droid outside the fan club. (I want 4 or 5 of 'em, and I ain't gonna pay $19.99 per and get stuck with 5 more Hoth Leias.)
![]() 7 Whats with the two different Naboo Foot Soliders. I have seen pictures of two very different ones. Are there going to be two? -Butsthejk There's a Naboo Foot Soldier and a Naboo Royal Guard coming out. They look kinda similar, but for all of us army-building freaks, it's a nice thing.
![]() 8 Has Hasbro said anything on making luke in his jedi duel outfit from return of the jedi? -DkKnightFl One was made in the Final Jedi Duel Cinemascene over a year ago... it's pretty spiffy. It should be available at fine clearance racks everywhere.
9 If Hasbro decides to pump more life into its amazingly popular and all-too difficult to find Expanded Universe line, it would make sense to include figures from any new and popular novel, comic, or videogame. I've been out of the loop when it comes to the novels for a while (I'm a comic man), but anything new and well-done is always welcome.
10 Geez, I hope not.
FIN Oh, if you've got access to a DVD player, lemme reccomend the new Mallrats disc. Totally awesome stuff if you're a fan of the genre.
1 I'm certain I saw this question addressed by someone many months ago, but I don't remember the answer. I recently opened my "Jedi Spirits" Cinema Scene, and I was wondering if the figures are supposed to move AT ALL? I finally got them unscrewed from the base, and it looks like their arms and heads should move. However, mine are so stiff that I'm afraid I'll break Yoda's head or Anakin's arms off if I try to make the joints move! Since the figures are semi-transparent, I can see that they have some sort of joints inside. The are supposed to move, aren't they? -Don
Well, I've seen about six opened Jedi Spirits sets, and not a one has
any actual movement. In a similar vein, I've seen over 100 loose
Spirit of Obi-Wan mail-in figures (long story), and about 30 of those
could move. The "joints" are more or less where the pieces come
together... there's really no articulation unless you've got the luck
of... some really lucky thing.
![]() 2 I herd at one time there was going to be a cinam sceen of Imperial Officers. Has there been any word on it? If so what characters where going to be in it? -JNB No such item was ever announced by Hasbro.
![]() 3 Is Boss Nass a diffrent spiceas than Jar Jar? -Joshua2828 Well, both are Gungans, but some Lucas literature points out that they're Gungans of differing descent.
![]() 4 Hi.I can not find the new collection 1 figures in any store in Tallahassee Florida.Where can i find them? -Maul246 Who am I, Yoda?
![]() 5 I need a Luke Skywalker electronic lightsaber and I was wondering if they still sell it in stores today. Also, are they selling new Obi-Wan lightsabers from Episode I? -Dan The Kenner Luke Skywalker Lightsaber from 1996-- the green one from Return of the Jedi-- hasn't been seen in stores for quite some time. Every now and again I hear of one being found, but this qualifies as a "good luck" sort of thing. But hey, I just scored a small 1995 Lego Islanders set for $0.40 at a K-Mart this week, so you never can tell. Hasbro has yet to make any blue lightsaber in a large size, but competitor Rubies is doing a bang-up job. For $10 per, you can get a saber that retracts fully into the hilt for Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, and Darth Maul. Some people claim these are rare, but they aren't. My local Walgreens and Osco drug stores seem pretty nicely stocked in these... if I recall, Party City had a bunch as well. It pays to look around.
![]() 6 Do you open your Star Wars toys? Assuming you open 'em up, how are your's displayed? -Jason But of course. You can't play with carded figures, and a lot of carded figures are being stowed away in case I might change my mind later. Of course, I also opened POTF1 EV-9D9, Luke Stormtrooper, R2-D2, and many others in the early '90s when carded figures were cheaper than loose ones most of the time... oh well. :) Mine are displayed on shelves, or in display cases-- it doesn't hurt that a family member actually manufactures wall-mounted cases for vintage and new Star Wars figures. :)
![]() 7 Remember the SW/ESB/ROTJ portfolios with the beautiful prints of concept artwork. Is there an Episode 1 Art Portfolio available? And if so, do you know where I can find one? -Tobin Chronicle Books (the guys behind every cool "non-fiction" Star Wars book since 1990) has a portfolio due out in October with 20 lithos from Doug Chiang. Chronicle's catalog says the pics come in a chrome box... dunno if they mean a tin of some description, but the whole shebang (which includes a piece of all-new artwork for the set) goes for $55 cover price. (Meaning watch the online book stores for a deal.)
![]() 8 I dont know if this has been covered before, but what is the deal with the "booster rockets" on the R2-D2 Hasbro figure and Estes flying rocket? I'm guessing they're from a deleted scene in the film, but can you give any more details? -Mr. Frothy This was taken from a sequence on Coruscant where R2-D2 was said to fall off a ledge and boost himself back up prior to the Queen's return to Naboo. I think it's kinda cool... it's also the second Star Wars figure from a cut sequence (Classic Luke being the first, if I recall.)
Sure, there would be about a 3-day delay for the shipment to come in, but for
most major chains that have multiple distribution centers, they could keep
the Padmes, uh, I mean the product flowing from Hasbro to the consumer.
If there is a significant reason that this isn't done by Hasbro, it eludes
me. Any light you could shed on the subject would be welcome. Thanks.
Hasbro makes assortments based on what they think they can sell. Sometimes, they hit the nail on the head-- like all the Collection 1 figures in 1998, excepting the Hoth Rebel Soldier in most markets. Others, not so much. Like the Collection 2 figures in 1998 save Expanded Universe. In Episode One, Hasbro did something unprecidented in most toy lines-- everything was equally packed for the first batch, meaning no short packs. Unfortunately, there were no long packs... see Maul's disappearing act. When it comes to retail, Hasbro's been pretty good at guessing what will and won't sell, but some figures like the Rancor Keeper, Dagobah Luke, Han Hoth, and Ceremonial Leia end up being quite chummy with the visitors of Aisle 7C. Now, any of us could've said "You're shipping more Rancor Keepers? Are you NUTS?!?" But with figures like Padme... well, lemme say I would've expected all things Natalie Portman to be pretty popular at retail. At one point, Hasbro (well, Kenner) did allow for cases of one character. (Two if you count the vintage line... I got a story about a buddy who got a case of 120something POTF R2-D2s.) In 1997, some toy stores got cases of just Slave Leia, or Darth Vader, or Stormtrooper Luke, and so forth. As to why Hasbro has opted not to do this with, say, Darth Maul... I don't know. I think it's nuts not to have Collection 1 cases be 50% Maul for a week or two, but odds are there's some reason having to do with production or tooling that only allows so many of a figure to be made. Or they want to have some character around on shelves at all times for some reason.
10 I have confirmation that I don't have one, that our sponsor hasn't had them yet, that none of my collector buddies here in AZ have seen them yet, and that nobody has 'em to sell on Ebay as of today. Now, if you're feeling stupid and have money burning a hole in your pocket, you can always do a pre-buy auction on Ebay... and then your friends can point and laugh. :) Remember all the presells in April? I still get a chuckle when I think of those...
1 Why am I able to find 20 Jar Jar and Qui-Gon 12" figures and no 12" Mauls? Were less of the Mauls produced or were they just not added in later shipments? -Skidmstr
Well, the truth is Maul is no more rare than any other 12" figure. 12"ers come 6 per case: 2 Maul, 2 Jar Jar, and 2 Qui-Gon. The only reason they continue to be scarce is Hasbro opted not to pack them heavier than 2 per case... which at this point it just a wee bit surprising. Odds are he'll be all over by the holidays.
![]() 2 What do you use to store your figures? I have used star cases but most of them have (slightly) bent the corners of the card. Can you give me some tips or other options for storing my SW figures. -blackhole2 I collect loose figures which are kept in a display case that's mounted on my wall or in tackle boxes. The carded figures I have are kept in empty cases (hey, they're around) or in comic book boxes, which really are spiffy for storing carded figures. I don't think it's worth keeping most figures in Star Cases... I mean, the case is worth more than the toy in at least a few instances.
![]() 3 Quick Question: Besides the supposed Cinema Scene with Threepio and the two ewoks, are any other ewoks planned to be made in the future? How about more Cantina Aliens? -santiago There is no such Cinema Scene that... well, anybody has heard about (as far as I've heard), and no additional Ewoks have been announced as of yet. As far as more Cantina Aliens, odds are Hasbro will keep making them as long as we keep buying them... remember that when Wuher comes out next winter.
![]() 4 What is the deal with hasbro and there so called figures for sale. I have seen pictures of the new c-3po with net and r2 with tools. I would like to have these but I had never saw these in stores and the only way to get them is to pay sombody 5 times the price of the figure. Why dont you ever see some of these figures in the store? -Yoda12 For starters, they were 1998 figures... this is 1999. I did see them in stores, more than once, and if you made frequent toy runs (and when I say frequent I mean frequent) you'd probably have seen them as well. Which, in comparison to other waves, kind of stinks. If you want them now, you'll have to go to the secondary market, the Fan Club, or Rebelscum sponsor Entertainment Earth... these guys aren't going to show up again any time soon. (Which marks the 42nd time I've answered that question over the past month. :)
![]() 5 Yesterday I bought a Ugnaught on ESB card in C9 condition, only it looks like he has little white 'salt' cristals on his head. What is it and can I do something about it so that it get worse in the future. -Edward I just shot a collection of carded figures over the past month and man, the stories I could tell you. The "frosting" (which I assume is a mold or some sort of "molt") showed up on IG-88 and the Death Squad Commander, among others. As far as removal... Well, you're stuck with it. You can always open it and clean it off, but let's face it, that's foolishness.
![]() 6 Is the Carbonite Freezing Chamber playset officially yanked? -Arthur Depends on who you ask, actually... ask me again in a few months...
![]() 7 This last year, my friends and I have noticed that places like "Play Co" and "Toys International" have gotten tons of Japanese POTF2 figures in. Of course, with the exception of the sticker on the back in Japanese, these figures are exactly the same as ours. So, my question is, why (or how) do you think they get these? -Ian One chain, MacFrugals, got trilogo overstock of the Tarkin and Ackbar waves from 1997 at a reduced price. Foreign figures randomly pop up in assortments for no real good reason. But in this case, it's either overstock (which is likely, some accounts are having problems getting their full orders [or so I overheard]) or just a good ol' fashioned smeg-up.
![]() 8 Do you know if the Classic Mynock Hunt CS's will be shipping again with any of the E1 Movie Scenes sets? -Jay Not gonna happen.
9 I wish... I'd go nuts for some Ewoks, an animated Boba Fett, R2-D2, or C-3PO. Especially an animated Boba Fett. Aside from those released in 1985, I wouldn't expect any new guys to be released.
10 Lesse... I know there's a Yoda, Ben, Stormtrooper, and Leia... I never did see a Han Carbo around or any of the others. But they might be out there... anybody got some info?