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1 Do you think that there's a chance that Hasbro will make more EU figures. -JM
![]() 2 I just bought one of the Darth Maul lightsaber that have been recalled, fixed, and then put back on the shelf. I also bought a Qui-Gon lightsaber which I got before the recall. The Qui-Gon one lights up and hum is a lot louder, while the Darth Maul one only lights up when it hits something and is not very loud. Did it light up like the Qui-Gon lightsaber before the replacement part was added and is there a way to remove it, or did it always just light up when it hit something? I could swear they lit up like the Qui-Gon one, but I could be mistaken. -Nick I never installed (or requested) the recall repair gizmo, and my Maul saber randomly turned itself off and only lit up on contact. I never really cared for it as a toy...
![]() 3 I have a Darth Vader phone. Any idea who might want it or how much it is worth? -John Well, I've got... seventy-three cents. No, make that seventy-FOUR cents! The old Darth Vader speakerphone goes for about the same price it did when it first came out, and it's about as popular. I've seen many offered for sale, but I don't think I've ever seen one leave a dealer's table at a toy show.
4 Well, take a gander at the toy, then take a gander at a still from the movie... not much I can say other than "they're different." They just, well, are.
![]() 5 For what reason do the new Action Fleet vehicles come with only one figure per vehicle? -lawndart Most likely cost. Galoob dropped figures out of their first 8 Battle Packs after a short run, and has been trying all sorts of cost-cutting measures on their products which seem to be getting a negative reaction. MicroMachines from Episode One seem to be lacking stands, for example, and when a toy like a die-cast Slave I is missing a stand, they don't replace it. The toys are looking nice... but the bottom line seems to have reared its ugly head. Hopefully they're release supplement parts if nothing else, more Action Fleet Battle Droids or vehicle stands for MicroMachines would be welcome.
6 As of the last time I checked, my list was accurate and Garindan in not slated to come out as a 12" figure. It was listed on a sell-sheet from Hasbro that was made from preliminary information, the same type of thing that listed the Chief Chirpa Buddy, and individual boxed 12" Bib Fortuna and Death Star Gunner at one point. He might happen, but not in the next assortment... Garindan was part of that outdated list.
7 In the real world of toys, figures like Anakin and Beru are sure-fire pegwarmers. When you factor in speculation and the secondary market, weird stuff happens-- Beru, in a collector-free zone, would never sell. For example, Anakin was really popular until the case shipped out in greater numbers. In Arizona, I see him on a pretty regular basis. As far as Beru goes, I haven't seen one on the shelves in at least two months. She is shipping, but not enough for a chorus of "We never got Beru!" to sweep the collecting community later this year. Check out the Fan Club or Rebelscum sponsor Entertainment Earth for these... they usually have 'em.
8 Nothing beyond "wouldn't it be cool if-" statements from the likes of us.
9 Not to be rude, but that really doesn't make any sense...
10 I don't believe anyone has made such an item as of yet... kinda surprising now that I think that they've done Star Wars nightlights, underoos, and toothbrushes... but no theme beds. Weird. Sorry I couldn't help you here.
FIN And go see Mystery Men! 'tis a fun, fun movie!
1 Why is Hasbro only making classic figures from Episode 4? -Jax2426
It has something to do with Episode One tying in well with Episode 4, they compliment each other well. Personally, I think it has a little to do with Episode 4 being the most well-known of the three... if people see one, that's it. It's a good way to get people interested in a year when SW has high visibility... I mean, E4 figures probably have a better chance of selling in a year like this compared to, say, more EU. Now next year... next year I wanna see some EU.
![]() 2 This is only wishful thinking but are there any plans for a Marmit Darth Vader? Since they are producing just villains so far, it would be the ultimate in coolness! -iggyabreu At one point, a magazine article mentioned the TIE Pilot, Sandtrooper, Boba Fett, and Darth Vader as "coming" in the Marmit figure line. Since then, the only two I've heard of are the Sandtrooper and the TIE Pilot. I guess it's going to be a wait-and-see type thing, but I'd buy a Marmit Vader in a heartbeat. That is, if I had any money.
![]() 3 hey adam do you know if there is any real difference in the potf2 x-wing in red or green box meaning rarity is 1 more rare than the other i had never seen green boxed till maybe apr of this year and it's copyright is definetly a year or two ago oh and the tattoine skiff coming out is an all new sculpt that's from a hasbro employee directly that i know -jimmy aka mr sidious Congratulations! Yours was the first question I've been asked with absolutely no punctuation! You win... an answer! The green box X-Wing-- as in the ORIGINAL POTF2 X-Wing, not the Power FX one, is pretty tough to find. Like most things in POTF2, "rare" isn't a good word for it... but it is uncommon. A skiff, you say? No kidding. :)
4 The game does include the rumble support via a battery one places in the cart. It's also been delayed until December, unfortunately. I was looking forward to it mainly because I have no idea how a N64/3DPC game would translate to the NES-like GB Color.
![]() 5 As we know, the Episode I Yoda shipped without "Episode I" printed on the card. Have corrected versions begun to show up yet? Should we expect them to? Basically, I'm debating whether or not to open mine... -Ben You and the rest of the world. :) Everyone I know with a Yoda has yet to open theirs (I still don't have the little bugger), and if Hasbro opts to correct it, the "fixed" version might be harder to find than the error. Brown pants Han Endor on a Green card, anyone? A correction is possible... but nobody has one. I wouldn't fuss over it, personally, but that's me.
6 Fix it? The chips have lines from the movie... some are true to the scene, some aren't. Maul didn't say a word in his Jedi Duel outfit, if you wanna get technical. In Luke's case, there's no "error", so there's nothing to be fixed. Now, if Luke said "Wait... which button is 'record'?" I'd expect a correction... :)
7 No such item has been announced by Hasbro.
8 Hasbro never mentioned that they were going to do them all officially, but a lot of fans are expecting them soon. I wouldn't get my hopes up until Hasbro says "Yeah, we're gonna do that."
9 A guy claimed to have electronic Jar Jars for $35 today... I dunno if that's for real, but it's all I've heard in terms of reports so far. The only one I saw is Maul so far, also at Kay-Bee, which makes sense as the JC Penny in the same mall had at least 40 each of the regular 12" Qui-Gon and Jar Jar at 40% off...
10 I'd go hog wild for POTF-style coins for Episode One characters, but aside from some rumblings from companies like "gee, that'd be neat but we're probably not gonna do it" there hasn't been any word on such an item as of yet.
FIN As to Hasbro's web page, the URL is the same for the new one as it is for the old one. It isn't up because (obviously) it isn't ready. I assume it'll be up shortly... but ya never know these days. Web sites can be a pain to get everything working properly within a database, or even getting it compatible with all major browsers for both Mac and PC. Have patience, and remember, there wasn't much there we haven't already seen aside from a too-cool Motti, Wuher, new Leia, new Chewie, new Stormtrooper, and a couple of others.
1 I just finished reading the Heir to the Empire Trilogy, and the Grand Admiral Thrawn figure shot up from not even being on my list of figures I wanted to right at the top. But before I start looking for it I would like to know something. Is the ysalamiri on it removable? -Andy
Sure is! Hasbro forgot the nutrient frame and the shoulder pads... but other than that, it's a fine figure.
![]() 2 Please tell me if this is right. 7 Luke (Tatooine) versions:
POTF2 original Not counting variations, up, that's the tally. The Batman-ized 1990 toy marketplace tally.
![]() 3 I've seen Episode 1 a couple times and read the book, but don't remember Adi Gallia in either, especially not any speaking parts. Why wouldn't they (Hasbro/Kenner) make a Sebulba figure (without the pod) or a Shmi Skywalker figure before they make Adi Gallia? Maybe I haven't been using the Force long enough to know of her significance... -Ryan A friend of mine once used the Force. Well, replace the word "Force" with "questionable substances" and "friend" with "some guy who smelled real bad", but unfortunately, he's not relevant to this discussion. Adi Gallia looks distinctive and is the first black female Star Wars figure... for me, that's kinda interesting. The character is incredibly minor, but as part of the Jedi 12, she's a wanted character. Why no Shmi, etc? Well, if you listen to some people (and I sorta do), they are being considered for a release in the future and, well, that's good enough for me. Plus Hasbro needs some semi-major characters to bring in the fans... I mean, Qui-Gon #26 ain't much of a draw, but Sebulba on a card is.
4 Haven't found out yet... I'm hoping I can talk with the people behind CommTech to find some stuff out, but odds are it's another person doing the voice from an earlier version of the script.
![]() 5 I was wondering if there was any difference in the Han Carbonite that comes packed with the Slave I from the one that cam on a POTF2 card? -Brady Oh yeah. The carded version is an all-new Han figure with an all-new Carbonite block that's truer to the movie with the block from the Slave I. The Slave I includes no Han figure, and is a tad too small. It's also the same one released with the 1980 Slave I in new colors... same thing with the Slave I itself. Get the carded one. It's cool.
6 Probably. The toppers didn't exactly move in stellar numbers, so future shipments are unlikely since most of the promos are over.
7 As Shakespeare always said, "Be fair, everybody loves a fish monger." (Well, I'm sure he said it at some point.) Why this set? No reason? Well, there's no reason to make 4" pieces of plastic of movie characters if you want to get right down to it. The ideas of the scenes were to re-create scenes from the film. Mynock Hunt had no new characters in it, really... but unlike the Mos Espa Encounter, the Mynock Hunt wasn't seen as, and I quote many who have written (I've yet to get this set), "crap." Yeah, the froggy dealer dude would've been more fun, and odds are would have sold more of these, but... geez, I had a point, I thought...
8 Drain 'em. You're collecting packaging, not stockpiling beverages for your Y2K bunker.
9 Yes. They were mass produced in 1998 when they showed up at stores around the country.
10 I've done a little bit of following Pez back when I was still going gung-ho on old Star Wars in 1990, and it seems that Pez, as a whole, is a hobby that doesn't have as big an emphasis on packaging. A rare dispenser is a rare dispenser, packaging or not. As far as Star Wars pez, the world will probably end before they increase in value above whatever the rate of inflation happens to be that week. Buy 'em if you like 'em, there's a million of them. ![]()