Last fall,
fans united to decide which figures would be brought back from the past in
The 30th Anniversary Collection's new subline, which will be called
Saga Legends.

This wave was chosen by Hasbro before the tournament began, and includes a number of army builders, main characters targeted towards kids, and several pilot figures for the vehicles in the TAC line.
While the outcome of the tournament won't be part of this line until later waves, take a look at some of the figures from the first wave.
SAGA LEGENDS: Darth Vader(originally TSC Darth Vader SAGA-013)
Let's face it, you can't have a Star Wars toy line without Vader. So why not bring back one of the better versions of the Sith Lord? This figure will be a great pilot for both the Sith Starfighter and the TIE Advanced x1 Starfighter.
SAGA LEGENDS: C-3PO (with Battle Droid head)(originally TSC C-3PO SAGA-017)
One of the main characters from the entire saga, who wants to bet we'll eventually see a carded variant with the heads switched?
SAGA LEGENDS: Darth Maul(originally pack-in with EPISODE I Sith Speeder and Darth Maul)
A pilot figure for the Sith Infiltrator, this figure was previously only available as a pack-in with his Sith Speeder and never carded by himself.
SAGA LEGENDS: Battle Droids(originally pack-in with SAGA Deluxe C-3PO (with Droid Factory Assembly Line) set)
This 2-pack is just the first of four different variants in the line. Since the initial announcement, there has been an additional change: the set now includes a Battle Droid Commander. (OOM-9, for those in the know.) So, this is technically a set of new figures.
SAGA LEGENDS: Yoda(originally ROTS Yoda III-03)
Although he's a packed with his accessories from Episode III, this is meant to be Yoda from Episode II.
SAGA LEGENDS: R2-D2(originally ROTS R2-D2 III-48)
Another popular character from the entire saga, the astromech droid is back with his electronics.
SAGA LEGENDS: General Grievous(originally ROTS General Grievous III-09)
This deadly villain includes 4 lightsabers and an action featue that lets him take on several Jedi Knights at once!
SAGA LEGENDS: Clone Trooper (Episode III)(originally ROTS Clone Trooper III-41)
Finally, the basic trooper is back, but sharp-eyed fans will notice that his armor is totally clean this time around...meaning another new figure in the line!
NEW!: SAGA LEGENDS: Shock Trooper(originally pack-in with TSC Skirmish in the Senate battlepack)
This version is now sports the superior body sculpt and will be easier for army builders to acquire.
NEW!: SAGA LEGENDS: Clone Trooper (Episode II)(originally CLONE WARS Clone Trooper 03-50)
Hear that sound? That's army builders everywhere rejoicing! When it comes to the "greatest" figures in the line, this one sets the bar pretty high.