Jawas are a scavenger species that comb the Tatooine deserts in search of discarded scrap and wayward mechanicals. Using cobbled-together weaponry, they incapacitate droids and bring them to their treaded fortress-homes, immense sand-scarred vehicles known as sandcrawlers. Jawas form an important link in the circle of trade that connects the distant Tatooine communities. They sell their hastily refurbished junk to moisture farmers who are hard-pressed to find a better selection elsewhere. For their shoddy work and vagabond ways, they have a well-earned repoutation as shady tradespeople who cheat the outlander colonists of Tatooine. The Jawas captured R2-D2 and C-3PO as the two droids seaarched for Obi-Wan Kenobi, then sold them to Owen Lars.