YARUA (Coruscant Senate)

(The Phantom Menace)

Collection: Transitional

Year: 2005

Number: 05-02

Assortment: Coruscant

Retail: $4.99

Assortment Number: 85160/84712

UPC Number: 7693085160

Weapons and Accessories:

  • bandolier
  • Base

Comments: Yarua is a Wookiee senator on Coruscant. He represents his home world of Kashyyyk in the Galactic Senate. Although Wookiees are known for their strong tempers, Yarua is a voice of fairness and justice in the government. Like all Wookiees, Yarua is an imposing presence in the halls of the Senate, with his great height and fierce demeanor.

Points of Interest:
  • Yarua was originally planned for the Star Wars Saga line.
  • Also included with this figure is a folding pamphlet that shows other toys in the Original Trilogy Collection.

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