On April 23rd, a few short weeks before the release of Star Wars: Attack of the Clones, Hasbro will debut their all new Star Wars Saga line with new figures, a new package design, and all new "Force" features. Putting action back into action figures, this year's Collection 1 line is loaded with play features that give figures the power to open crates, doors, summon blasters and lightsabers. Several of these figures will include exchangeable parts for multiple versions, and some will offer quick draw action to help kids and collectors recreate their favorite scenes.
![]() Action Figures Deluxe Figures Unleashed Figure
Geonisian Playset Vehicles 12" Figures 12" Electronic Figures
Studio Photos Of Carded Figures
Anakin Skywalker Outland Peasant Disguise
Padmé Amidala Arena Escape
Obi-Wan Kenobi Coruscant Chase
C-3PO Protocol Droid
Kit Fisto Jedi Master
Super Battle Droid
Boba Fett Kamino Escape
Tusken Raider Female With Tusken Child
Captain Typho Padmé's Head Of Security
Shaak Ti Jedi Master
Battle Droid Arena Battle
Plo Koon Arena Battle
Jango Fett Kamino Escape
R2-D2 Coruscant Sentry