Since this is an ongoing line of toys, some items listed on this checklist are subject to change/addition/cancellation.
3 3/4-Inch Figures
__ # 01 Padmé Amidala
__ # 02 Clone Trooper Sergeant
__ # 03 Anakin Skywalker
__ # 04 Biggs Darklighter
__ # 05 Luke Skywalker
__ # 06 Darth Vader
__ # 07 Biker Scout
__ # 08 Clone Pilot
__ # 09: R2-D2
__ # 10: Pablo-Jill
__ # 11: Luminara Unduli
__ # 12: 41st Elite Corps Clone Trooper
__ # 13: Stormtrooper
__ # 14: Mara Jade
__ # 15: Merumeru
__ # 16: Clone Commander Neyo
__ # 17: Vizam
__ # 18: Darth Plageuis
__ # 19: Mace Windu
__ #21: Luke Skywalker
__ #22: Yoda
__ #23: Toryn Farr
__ #24: Snowtrooper Commander
__ #25: Dak Ralter
__ #26: Darth Vader
__ #27: Jabba's Skiff Guard
__ #28: Ree-Yees
__ #29: Wedge Antilles
__ # --: Luke Skywalker (Hoth Battle Gear)
__ # --: R5-D4
6-Inch Figures
__ # 01 Luke Skywalker (X-Wing Pilot)
__ # 02 Darth Maul
__ # 03 Sandtrooper
__ # 04 R2-D2
__ # 05 Princess Leia (Slave Outfit)
__ # 06 Boba Fett
__ # 07 Greedo
__ # 08 Han Solo
__ # 09 Stormtrooper
__ # 10 Obi-Wan Kenobi (Revenge Of The Sith)
__ # 11 Luke Skywalker (Bespin)
__ # -- #12: Anakin Skywalker (Revenge Of The Sith)
__ # -- #13: Chewbacca
__ # -- #14: Clone Trooper (Attack Of The Clones)
__ # -- #--: Jabba The Hutt
__ # -- #--: Biker Scout with Speederbike
3 3/4-Inch Figures
__ Battle On Endor (Toys "R" Us Exclusive)
6-Inch Figures
__ Boba Fett With Han Solo In Carbonite (SDCC 2013 Exclusive)
__ Cantina Showdown (2014 Toys "R" Us Exclusive)
__ Jabba's Throne Room (San Diego Comic-Con 2014)