Rescue Chancellor Palpatine
"A bad feeling about this!"
General Grievous' bodyguards
The Jedi Knights ordered to rescue Palpatine have suddenly crash-landed on Grievous' flagship. In an amazing display of Force knowledge and athleticism, Obi-Wan Kenobi ejects from his starfighter, swoops through the air and cuts down dozens of battle droids with his lightsaber. As he and Anakin Skywalker battle through the ship, they defeat the evil Count Dooku, rescue the Chancellor and barely land back on Coruscant in time for a heroes' welcome.
Points of Interest:
This figure of Obi-Wan Kenobi was previously available in:
For this version, a "soft goods" cloak has been added, as well as a unique display stand. Also, a little extra paint at the temples has been added to the head. Nice.
Photography by Dan Curto