Battle Pack

Source: Revenge of the Sith

Year: 2006

Assortment: Battle Packs

Retail: $19.99

Assortment Number: 87196/87503

UPC Number: 6 53569 18349 5

Weapons and Accessories: Darth Sidious:

  • Removable Head
  • Removable Hands
  • Lightsaber

  • Kit Fisto:
  • Lightsaber
  • Lightsaber Blade
  • Jedi Cloak

  • Mace Windu:
  • Lightsaber
  • Jedi Cloak

  • Saesee Tiin:
  • Lightsaber
  • Lightsaber Blade
  • Jedi Cloak

  • Agen Kolar:
  • Lightsaber
  • Lightsaber Blade
  • Jedi Cloak
  • Jedi Cloak Sleeves
  • Comments: Here, in a lavish Senatorial office atop one of the tallest buildings on Coruscant, the endgame of the conflict between Sith and Jedi begins. Revealed as a Dark Lord of the Sith, Chancellor Palpatine vaults across his desk with the uncanny speed of a master in the Force, his lightsaber blazing to life. Its blade carries the swift death of no less than three Jedi. Even the great Mace Windu will be fought to a standstill in this, the first battle in a conflict that will end with the extermination of the Jedi.

    Darth Sidious: A Dark Lord of the Sith who had spent decades secretly engineering his own rise to power, Sidious was also a nearly unstoppable fighter.

    Kit Fisto: A good-humored, unorthodox Jedi Knight, Kit Fisto perfected a number of difficult offensive and defensive Force techniques.

    Mace Windu: One of the greatest among the Jedi, he is without peer in close-waurters lightsaber combat.

    Saesee Tiin: A silent and imposing warrior, Saesee Tiin sat with Mace Windu on the Jedi Council. Though he rarely spoke, his contributions in both debate and battle were unmatched.

    Agen Kolar: Fiercely loyal to the Republic, Agen Kiolar was dismayed to learn of the Chancellor's treason, and determined to set things right.

    Points of Interest:
  • Darth Sidious is a repaint of 2005's ROTS Palpatine III-35. This time around, he comes only with one set of hands, one head, and a separate lightsaber.
  • Kit Fisto is a repack of 2005's ROTS Kit Fisto III-22. This time around, he comes with a soft goods cloak.
  • Mace Windu is a repack of the figure from 2003's SAGA Jedi High Council screen scene. This time around, he comes with a lightsaber and a soft goods cloak.
  • Saesee Tiin is a repack of 2005's ROTS Saesee Tiin III-30. This time around, he comes with a soft goods cloak.
  • Agen Kolar is a repack of 2005's ROTS Agen Kolar III-20. His lightsaber blade should be blue.
  • This set was at one point called "The Attempted Arrest Of Chancellor Palpatine."
  • Photography by Dan Curto

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