Yomega's Star Wars String Bling line is available in 4 different character designs – Darth Vader (red), Boba Fett (orange), Clone Trooper (white) and Yoda (green). The yo-yo is a version of Yomega's Fireball technology which is a take-apart design (great if you get knots in the string) featuring a plastic transaxle over a solid metal axle. This design provides for long sleep times while still being responsive enough for anyone to make the yo-yo return to their hand. The response system is plastic "starbursts" that enable the string to grab and return when the thrower tugs on the string.
The key feature of the "String Bling" models is the included Character Ring. This is a plastic ring shaped to match the character on the side of the yo-yo, and is worn by the player when the yo-yo string is secured over the ring, with the idea being that the ring will stop the string from cutting into the player's finger when throwing. This is a clever idea as the slip knot on a yo-yo can become very tight and cause an abrasion or callous, especially on children.

Year: 2014
- 1x Fireball yo-yo
- Character Specific String Bling Ring (try saying that five times in a row…)
- 2x String
- Aluminum Display Stand Not Included
Text by Grahame Wright
Photography by D. Martin Myatt
Page Built by Adam Lamping