Posted by Jeremy on January 15, 2020 at 08:12 PM CST
One of the longest serving sections of our forums is the Creative Forum which has hosted the Star Wars customizing community for over twenty years. Helping to showcase custom figures, vehicles, and dioramas of many talented Scummers, the Custom Dioramas Index Thread has been the destination for quick links to dioramas from specific Star Wars films, scenes, and the customizers who made them.

Now, Daigo_Bah and Utinniii have updated the comprehensive list with the following:
  1. A quick links post at the start, to immediately take the viewer to the media of their choice: specific film, TV show, Fanfic, and more
  2. Separation of each film into specific scenes or planets to quickly find a Tatooine or Death Star diorama, for instance
  3. Brand new to the Index is each scene organized in alphabetical order by customizer; easily locate early work by reeseslover or The_Professor as well as more recent creations by yodashizzle or izzymel
As new dioramas are posted, the moderators will add them into the Index to keep it growing. Please have a look at the creativity and talent of hundreds of diorama builders in the index!