Hooters has settled the lawsuit filed against it in the
infamous "toy Yoda" scandal:
PANAMA CITY, Fla. May 9 — A former waitress has settled her lawsuit against Hooters, the restaurant that gave her a toy Yoda doll instead of the Toyota she thought she'd won.
Jodee Berry, 27, won a beer sales contest last May at the Panama City Beach Hooters. She believed she had won a new Toyota and happily was escorted to the restaurant's parking lot in a blindfold.
But when the blindfold was removed, she found she had won a new toy Yoda the little green character from the "Star Wars" movies.
David Noll, her attorney, said Wednesday that he could not disclose the settlement's details, although he said Berry can now go to a local car dealership and "pick out whatever type of Toyota she wants."
Click here for more. Thanks to MBA for forwarding us the story.