Basic Figures (2003 numbering continued from the Star Wars Saga line)
03-42 __ Anakin Skywalker
03-43 __ ARC Trooper
03-44 __ Yoda
03-45 __ Obi-Wan Kenobi (General of the Republic Army)
03-46 __ Durge (Commander of the Separatist Forces)
03-47 __ Asajj Ventress (Sith Apprentice)
03-48 __ Mace Windu (General of the Republic Army)
03-49 __ Kit Fisto
03-50 __ Clone Trooper
03-51 __ Saesee Tiin
Animated Series Figures
__ Anakin Skywalker
__ Anakin Skywalker (Battle Damage)
__ ARC Trooper Captain
__ Asajj Ventress
__ Clone Trooper
__ Clone Trooper Captain
__ Clone Trooper Commander
__ Clone Trooper Lieutenant
__ Count Dooku
__ Durge
__ General Grievous
__ Mace Windu
__ Obi-Wan Kenobi
__ Yoda
__ Commemorative DVD Collection: Volume 1 - Jedi Force Pack
__ Commemorative DVD Collection: Volume 1 - Sith Attack Pack
__ Commemorative DVD Collection: Volume 2 - Pack 1
__ Commemorative DVD Collection: Volume 2 - Pack 2
Deluxe Figures
__ Clone Trooper with Speeder Bike
__ Spider Droid
__ Durge with Swoop Bike
__ Clone Trooper Army
__ Destroyer Droid Battle Launcher
__ Droid Army
__ Jedi Knight Army
__ Value Packs
__ Anakin Skywalker's Jedi Starfighter
__ Armored Assault Tank (AAT)
__ Command Gunship
__ Geonosian Starfighter
__ Hailfire Droid
__ Jedi Starfighter
Role Play
__ Anakin Skywalker's Lightsaber
__ Count Dooku's Lightsaber
__ Mace Windu's Lightsaber
__ Obi-Wan Kenobi's Lightsaber
__ Yoda's Lightsaber
Video Games
__ Star Wars: Clone Wars (Playstation 2)
__ Star Wars: Clone Wars (Nintendo Gamecube)
__ Star Wars: Clone Wars (Xbox)
__ Star Wars: Clone Wars (Strategy Guide)
__ Star Wars: Battlefront (Playstation 2)
__ Star Wars: Battlefront II (Playstation 2)
__ Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds - Clone Campaigns (PC and Mac)
__ Star Wars: The New Droid Army (GameBoy Advance)
__ Star Wars: Clone Wars - Planetary Forces (Online)
__ Star Wars: Republic Commando (Xbox and PC)
__ Star Wars: Clone Wars Short Story Collection
__ Star Wars: Boba Fett 1: The Fight To Survive (Hardcover)
__ Star Wars: Boba Fett 1: The Fight To Survive
__ Star Wars: Boba Fett 2: Crossfire (Hardcover)
__ Star Wars: Boba Fett 2: Crossfire
__ Star Wars: Boba Fett 3: Maze Of Deception
__ Star Wars: Boba Fett 4: Hunted
__ Star Wars: Boba Fett 5: A New Threat
__ Star Wars: Boba Fett 6: Pursuit
__ Star Wars: Shatterpoint
__ Star Wars: Shatterpoint Audio Adaptation
__ Star Wars: Legacy of the Jedi
__ Star Wars: Escape From Dagu (Cancelled)
__ Star Wars: The Cestus Deception
__ Star Wars: The Hive (eBook)
__ Star Wars: Medstar I: Battle Surgeons
__ Star Wars: Medstar II: Healer
__ Star Wars: Jedi Trial
__ Star Wars: Republic Commando - Hard Contact
__ Star Wars: Yoda - Dark Rendezvous
__ Star Wars: Labyrinth of Evil
__ Star Wars: Secrets of the Jedi
Comic Books
__ Star Wars Tales #14
__ Star Wars Tales #17
__ Star Wars Tales #19
__ Star Wars: Republic #49
__ Star Wars: Republic #50
__ Star Wars: Republic #51
__ Star Wars: Republic #52
__ Star Wars: Republic #53
__ Star Wars: Republic #54
__ Star Wars: Republic #55
__ Star Wars: Republic #56
__ Star Wars: Republic #57
__ Star Wars: Republic #58
__ Star Wars: Republic #59
__ Star Wars: Republic #60
__ Star Wars: Republic #61
__ Star Wars: Republic #62
__ Star Wars: Republic #63
__ Star Wars: Republic #64
__ Star Wars: Republic #65
__ Star Wars: Republic #66
__ Star Wars: Republic #67
__ Star Wars: Republic #68
__ Star Wars: Republic #69
__ Star Wars: Republic #70
__ Star Wars: Republic #71
__ Star Wars: Republic #72
__ Star Wars: Republic #73
__ Star Wars: Republic #74
__ Star Wars: Republic #75
__ Star Wars: Republic #76
__ Star Wars: Republic #77
__ Star Wars: Jedi - Mace Windu
__ Star Wars: Jedi - Shaak Ti
__ Star Wars: Jedi - Aayla Secura
__ Star Wars: Jedi - Count Dooku
__ Star Wars: Jedi - Yoda
__ Star Wars: Obsession #1
__ Star Wars: Obsession #2
__ Star Wars: Obsession #3
__ Star Wars: Obsession #4
__ Star Wars: Obsession #5
__ Star Wars: General Grievous #1
__ Star Wars: General Grievous #2
__ Star Wars: General Grievous #3
__ Star Wars: General Grievous #4
__ Star Wars: Most Precious Weapon
__ Star Wars: Machines of War
__ Star Wars: Clone Wars Volume I - The Defense of Kamino
__ Star Wars: Clone Wars Volume II - Victories & Sacrifices
__ Star Wars: Clone Wars Volume III - Last Stand on Jabiim
__ Star Wars: Clone Wars Volume IV - Light And Dark
__ Star Wars: Clone Wars Volume V - The Best Blades
__ Star Wars: Clone Wars Volume VI - On the Fields of Battle
__ Star Wars: Clone Wars Graphic Novel and 2 Bust-Ups Exclusive Micro-Bust
__ Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures (Free Comic Book Day Edition)
__ Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures Volume I
__ Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures Volume II
__ Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures Volume III
__ Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures Volume IV
__ Star Wars Insider #65 ( The Pengalon Tradeoff)
__ Star Wars Insider #66 ( Elusion Illusion)
__ Star Wars Insider #68 ( The Hero of Cartao I: Hero's Call)
__ Star Wars Insider #69 ( The Hero of Cartao II: Hero's Rise)
__ Star Wars Insider #70 ( The Hero of Cartao III: Hero's Fall)
__ Star Wars Insider #73 ( League of Spies)
__ Star Wars Insider #76 ( Changing Seasons I: Guardian of the People)
__ Star Wars Insider #77 ( Changing Seasons II: People of the Guardian )
Trading Cards
__ Star Wars: Clone Wars 90-Card Set by Topps
__ ARC Trooper Captain
__ Anakin Skywalker
__ Asajj Ventress
__ Barriss Offee & Luminara Unduli
__ General Grievous
__ Obi-Wan Kenobi
__ Padmé Amidala
__ Yoda
Cartoon Series
__ Cartoon Network Animated Series Season I
__ Cartoon Network Animated Series Season II
__ Cartoon Network Animated Series Season III
__ Star Wars: Attack of the Clones
__ Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith

Last updated 12/31/06. List maintained by Adam Lamping.